GermanyMolotok9 years ago

So I tried to find a good and consistent setup for the EE without making the long drive with the bus to the arms shop and came up with this: http://www.dropbox.com/s/w021whwwq2zs6rd/ee_strat.avi?dl=0

  • time saving somewhere between 15 - 25 seconds compared to the old method
  • cops somehow spawn more than usually and destroy your run when you steal the bus (shooting the bus so that the driver leaves might solve this problem, but this seems to have the problem that the passengers start to leave your bus when they enter it, despite driving back first, but it needs more testing..)
Tezur0 и Lighnat0r нравится это
GermanyMolotok9 years ago

This poll concerns only those who are running GTA2 or are "seriously" interested in running GTA2. Because the EE glitch breaks the game completely, some people asked for a possible new category, so here the two options:

1.) There should be a new category any% glitchless ILs

2.) There should be a new category any% EE-glitchless ILs

GermanyMolotok9 years ago

Never noticed that this game is listed here. Whatever, I discovered a glitch over a year ago and a few skips, so I might as well post them here in case someone wants to try this game.

Little time saver in Babylon with the rolling glitch:

And a cutscene skip with the same glitch:

Some possible shortcuts it the Tian Shan River level:

A major skip which skips a lot of the Palawan Volcano level:

Another major skip in King Sol's Mines:

There is also some more info in this topic on SDA: http://forum.speeddemosarchive.com/post/indiana_jones_and_the_infernal_machine_23.html

Furthermore Goggen did a segmented run of some levels, but the first level was done in one segment, so it might be included on the leaderboards. Edit: of course on Doctor Jones difficulty. ))

GermanyMolotok9 years ago

Now that Wormetti (aka Sektor) has made a proof video that the EE glitch is also definetely possible in Downtown,

it might be a good idea to seperate glitched from non glitched runs from now on.

My suggestion would be to create a new leaderboard for glitchless runs as soon as someone gets the glitched run done in Downtown without tool assistance. What you do you think about it (to those few runners who run/ran/want to run it lol)?

Another question would be if the respawning Wang Car Bonus cars should be considered a glitch or not then?

GermanyMolotok9 years ago

Because Kubelwagon mentioned it, I searched for the car stats file I did 5 years ago. The test was made on a selfmade map and includes all cars one can drive in GTA2.


Cars with light red background can only be found in Multiplayer. green text = best value, red = worst. t1, t2, t3 are times(secs) for the 3 checkpoints of the test track. XYsp are the times(secs) the car needed to reach a speed of XY. dmg is the amount of damage the car can sustain, in number of rocket launcher hits it takes to destroy the car. + or - means if you would shoot it with a Machine Gun f.e., it can take more or less shots. max_sp is the real maximum speed of the car (not all numbers in the handling file correspond to real speed). acc_t is the time(secs) the car needs to reach its maximum speed.

GermanyMolotok9 years ago

Here is the route for Industrial:

Russian Mafia part

  1. (green right) Mmm, Russian Sailors: Kill Zaibatsu when collecting the third guy until Russian respect +3, collect flamethrower on the highway before last guy. Lure a Cop Car to the docks.
  2. (yellow top) Officer Down: Flamethrower is a safe strat for SWAT and FBI. Try to get a cop car or a car with 4 seats after mission.
  3. (yellow top) Tanks A Lot: Collect Invisibility.
  4. (red) Vedic Massacre: Get full Zaibatsu respect while shooting Krishna inside the Vedic Temple and stay at safe spot for the rest of mission. (Getting in car or leave temple while the timer runs is mission failed).
  5. (red) Super Grass Rescue: Get cop car at the police station on the way if you don´t have one already. Destroy generators with rockets after going up first stairs, don´t run all the way to the generators.
  6. (yellow bottom) Karma Assassins: Spawn killers by running against traffic, make sure that after the mission Zaibatsu respect is at least +4.
  7. (green left) Hot Dog Homicide: You might shoot a few Russians after picking up phone or in the mission before to avoid mad Krishnas with Flamethrowers and Molotovs later on!

Krishna part 15. (yellow left) Cossack Conversion: Ignore all guards and just go straight to the truck. After collecting the workers use the ramp to the right as shortcut. 16. (yellow right) Sunbeam Contract: Go to Russian territory and spawn killers by running against traffic as usual and get blinking -5 respect so the last killers show up. 17. (green bottom) Cop Car Scrap: Get a Cop Car after crane collected last Cop Car. Drive to the red phone while the crane does its job. 18. (red) Rooftop Rescue: Take the ramp as shortcut after leaving the Vedic Temple and go straight to the rooftops. Don´t follow the captives and kill the 4 guards straight away, maybe with Molotovs as safe strat. 19. (yellow) Conversion Evasion: Take the parked Karma Bus from the yellow phones and leave it at the entrance later at Zaibatsu grounds. Run straight through, not minding the tanks, and get up the platform to the right. From there shoot every generator with rocket launcher or molotovs and kill the guards. Get the Karma Bus and finish the mission. 20. (red) Power Station: When at the station, you might switch to the parked Bulwark. After mission completed, deathwarp with Molotovs and take the Medicar from the hospital up north. 21. (green top) Deconstruction Yard: Switch to the parked Stinger on the way to pick up the mission. Deathwarp immediately after mission completed, take the Medicar from the hospital and arm the car with mines and vehicle machine guns at the shop in the south. 22. Final Job: Note: This mission starts 22 seconds after you finish the last gang mission. Drive over Jerkov and Sunbeam or kill them with the mines or vehicle machine guns. Uno Carb usually spawns at a specific spot on the pavement to the right not far away from the exit point, when you drive up north on the highway. If you are quick you should be able to drive him over or shoot him before he can even launch his rockets.

GermanyMolotok9 years ago

Here the route for Residential (Z - Zaibatsu, R - Rednecks, S - Scientists):

  1. (Z green top) Fire Truck Fun: Deathwarp on the train tracks and go to the Fire Truck. Leave Fire Truck at the Engineer Garage, take a quick car and start the mission. Get Cop Car at police station. On the way to Rednecks fry Zaibatsu(Scientists +4 at least), then fry Rednecks on the big bridge.
  2. (Z yellow right) Valdez Alert: Get quick car. Jump across roofs and on the last ramp jump on top of the building ledge. Run to the left and destroy generator with Molotovs. Jump down with car and drive to the last generator, kill guards if necessary. Go back to the point you were supposed to jump and finish mission.
  3. (S green left) Sink Or Swim: Find a Taxi Express and collect all guys. You might lure a Cop Car to the docks.
  4. (S yellow top) LaBrat´s Plan: -
  5. (Z green bottom) Science Friction: You might go across the big bridge.
  6. (S yellow bottom) Gran´pa We Love You: Honk to Grandpa behind the stairs, so the Rednecks won´t shoot you.
  7. (S green right) Fake Truce: Redneck respect should be at least -3 because else they will hit you hard. So shoot some Scientists after picking up phone and drive them over on the way(optionally). Also drive over Zaibatsu when you in the Village, Scientist respect should be at least +4 before completion. Get a wanted level by driving over civilians after collecting last group and lure cops inside the lab.
  8. (S red) Taxi Traitor Test: Navigate your car upstairs, use the ramp to jump left onto the wall during the test and drive back and forth to register the laps. After the test jump down to the yellow phones. First Taxi dies in water, for second one pick up Vehicle Mines on the way(not from car shop), with the third jump down from ramp onto trailer where the car shop is.
  9. (S yellow) Redneck Attack: Triger timer and get at least two loads of Vehicle Machine Guns. Then drive over one or two Redneck waves and head to Redneck territory. Shoot Rednecks until Zaibatsu respect is full. And drive to red Scientist phone. New(see (1)): After shooting Rednecks drive to the prison parking lot and put the Furore GT on the entrance of the prison by jumping out of the car before you hit the ramp.
  10. (S red) Water Carry On: If you have Rocket Launcher head to the Entrance of the Village where the Redneck car shop is and shoot the generator at about the first tree. Then go to the pink marker and get out of car to finish mission. Alternatively destroy generator with Molotovs from the stairs in the north, no need to go to Village entrance in this case.
  11. (Z yellow left) Operation Z: Get Truck Cab later on the way.
  12. (Z red) Murder In The Mall: Get a quick car and get at least 5 loads of Vehicle Machine Guns. Go to the mall and shoot Scientists until you have negative respect. After that shoot them with the car, while driving in circles around the parked cars. When you have about 20 left leave the mall and shoot the rest on the way.
  13. (Z yellow) Law Enforcement Larceny: Drive over civilians on the way. --see mission 14. alternate strat: Waste the flamethrower until you have not much left while killing police.--
  14. (Z red) Distraction Action: Get to the entrance and on top of the stairs. Kill the cop(s) if necessary and shoot the generator with the rocket launcher. Then get back to your car and head straight to the main entrance that should be open now and enter the Truck Cab. --alternate strat: If no rocket launcher available, go to the edge and empty the Flamethrower(hold fire button) until your guy makes strange movements and press jump. Now fly to the legde with the antenna and destroy the generator(you need Molotovs for the flying glitch and it only works with Shotgun, Falmethrower, Dual Pistols and Silenced Machine Gun. The weapon needs to be right before the Molotovs), then jump down and go to the Truck Cab with the FBI car.-- Ditch it immediately and grab a Cop Car, then drive outside and pick up cop bribe down south. Now you have two alternatives: (1) If you managed to get the Furore GT to the entrance of the prison earlier, then first drive to the parking lot next to the place where you will destroy the wall in the mission "Blow Job" and get the Furore GT close to this wall, but so that there is enough distance later, so it doesn´t explode. After that get a Z-Type and drive to the green Redneck phones. (2) If you couldn´t get the Furore GT to the entrance, then grab it here and drive to the prison and jump on the left side into it(use handbrake on the edge that throws you back). Leave the car a bit south of the point where you spawn in the Penal Ties mission and kill yourself(of course after mission complete). Now dependend on wether you managed to park the Furore Gt at the entrance(1) or not(2) you have two different routes.
  1. (R yellow) Benson Burner: Get the Truck Cab at the place you picked up Grandpa or the black Truck Cab in the north. When finishing, grab a Cop Car.
  2. Final Job: Drive straight to the Mall and jump across the roofs to the Invulnerability. Kill all bosses and head to the Exit!
GermanyMolotok9 years ago

!!! NEW ROUTE !!! (Y)akuza / (L)oonie part

  1. L(green top) Radio Za-Za: Take molotovs. Shoot Zaibatsu to get +4 Yakuza respect after job complete and get at least wanted level 3 at the same time.
  2. Y(green left) Get Zitzaki: Get wanted level 4 and lure a Cop Car to the garage before job complete. Steal the Cop Car and get attention of the SWAT Van which should still be around from the mission before.
  3. Y(red) SWAT Van Swipe: Start the mission and lure the SWAT Van to the garage if possible. Steal and deliver it there and get a fast car after job complete (Cop Car or B-Type).
  4. Y(red) Stop The Tank: Line yourself up and destroy the tank from distance with the rocket launcher.
  5. L(green bottom) Pizza Cake: Destroy the Van with the Rocket Launcher.
  6. L(yellow right) Destroy J-Lab: Deathwarp with molotovs after job completion. Pick up any car and head towards the green phones.
  7. Y(green right) Bank Robbery: -
  8. Y(yellow right) Get Gamma Rei: Drive over some guys before starting this mission, so a Medicar spawns when you get out to the road. Get a wanted level and lure a Cop Car at the end of the mission if possible.
  9. Y(yellow right) Follow That Traitor: Search for a faster car if needed and an Ice Cream Van for the next mission while the traitor is walking around the block.
  10. Y(yellow left) Happy Gas Smash: You should have full Loonie respect before starting this mission. The Ice Cream Van can be armed at any shop. Try to lure a Cop Car at the end and important don´t shoot any Loonies so you don´t lose too much respect.
  11. L(yellow right) Dimentia To Go: If you have only +3 Loonie respect after picking up this mission, kill some Yakuza on the way. Pick up a "Get-Outta-Jail-Free Card" and destroy the generator with molotovs while running from distance.
  12. L(red) Taxi Drivers Must Die: Lure a Cop Car at the end.
  13. L(yellow left) Who´s Mad: Spawn Killers by running on the road against the traffic direction, take the Z-Type after completion.
  14. L(red) Gang War A-Go-Go: After taking phone kill Loonies at the small pavement right at the entrance until Zaibatsu respect is at least +4. Pick up the "Get-Outta-Jail-Free Card" at the second Yakuza if you forgot to do so earlier. Kill the Zaibatsu guy at the blue phone last.

Zaibatsu part 15. (yellow left) Lick Those Loonies: Switch to a faster car(Z-Type) if possible. After collecting Zaibatsu guys you can get a faster car, drive over the Loonies at the end. 16. (yellow right) Yutes Must Die: Take the A-Type(quick car which doesn´t despawn) where the snitch is and arm it with machine guns on the way. After job completion head north to the road right above the south east "wasted" spawn point and park the car so that it blocks the two lower lanes. Because the car doesn´t despawn it will stay there and block the path of the Bank Van later. If you didn´t manage to get a wanted level (try to shoot with the vehicle machine guns when driving north to get cop attention if you see any)after you parked the car then deathwarp, else get busted so that you can steal a Cop Car nearby the green Zaibatsu phones right away. 17. (green bottom) Wheeler-Dealing: Arm the car with a car bomb on the way to the last dealer. 18. (red) Armored Car Clash: Destroy the nearby car first and get a fast car. The second car goes either north or south, so arm your car either in the loonie car shop or in the south yakuza one. In case you didn´t have an armed car when starting the mission, go to the southern yakuza car shop right away. You might kill yourself along with the second car if it is in the northern Zaibatsu area. 19. (green top) Cop Car Crush: Get a fast car after crushing the Cop Car. 20. (yellow any) Big Bank Job: The A-Type you parked should have blocked the Bank Van you need to pick up. Take the highway route and respray if needed. Get a fast car after job completion. 21. (red) Bank Van Theft: Get Invulnerability on the way back because of the Rocket Launcher guy. 22. Final Job: Dudes should pop up real quickly when you are on the street. You might get a quick car to drive them over. Then head to the Exit quickly!

! IMPORTANT ! The route is very flexible so you can switch the mission order in some cases: Yakuza/Loonie part

  1. You see the Ice Cream Van right after "Stop The Tank": Happy Gas Smash(+3 Loonie) > Pizza Cake > Follow That Traitor(yellow left + park fast car nearby the garage from the Bank Robbery mission) > Bank Robbery (+3 Loonie) > Destroy J-Lab > Get Gamma Rei etc.
  2. You see the Ice Cream Van further on your way to "Pizza Cake" or after it or during "Destroy J-Lab": (Enter and leave the Ice Cream Van, it doesn´t despawn unless you switch your car twice). Pizza Cake > Destroy J-Lab > Happy Gas Smash (+5 Loonie) > Dimentia To Go > Taxi Drivers > Bank Robbery > Get Gamma Rei > Follow That Traitor etc. Zaibatsu part After "Yutes Must Die" you can do
  3. Cop Car Crush > Big Bank Job > Armored Car Clash > Wheeler-Dealing > Bank Van Theft ( > Lick Those Loonies if you want to do this mission last instead of first in the Zaibatsu part)
  4. Wheeler-Dealing > Armored Car Clash > Bank Van Theft > Cop Car Crush > Big Bank Job

---------------outdated-------------- OLD ROUTE Loonie part

  1. (green top) Radio Za-Za: Take Molotovs.
  2. (green bottom) Pizza Cake: Drive over Yakuza if needed, Destroy Van with Molotovs.
  3. (yellow right) Destroy J-Lab: Deathwarp with Molotovs after Mission Complete.
  4. (yellow right) Dimentia To Go: Destroy Generator while running with Molotovs, save a few secs.
  5. (red) Taxi Drivers Must Die: After jacking last car better get out and kill all those dudes with Machine Gun first.
  6. (yellow left) Who´s Mad: Spawn Killers by running on opposite side of the road against the traffic, take Z-Type after completion.
  7. (red) Gang War A-Go-Go: After taking phone kill Loonies at the small pavement right at the entrance until Zaibatsu respect at least +4, kill the Zaibatsu guy at the blue phone last.

Yakuza part 15. (green left) Get Zitzaki: Lure a SWAT Van to the garage and get it after completion. 16. (red) SWAT Van Swipe: - 17. (red) Stop The Tank: Line yourself up and destroy the tank from distance. 18. (yellow right) Get Gamma Rei: Drive over some guys before starting this mission, so Medicar spawns when you get out to the road. 19. (green right) Bank Robbery: - 20. (yellow right) Follow That Traitor: Search for a faster car and an Ice Cream Van for the next mission while the traitor is walking around the block. 21. (yellow left) Happy Gas Smash: You can arm the ice cream van at any shop. At the meeting point line yourself up, so you can destroy the Loonies Van when the guys start to get out, kill leftover with Machine Gun. 22. Final Job: Dudes should pop up real quickly when you are on the street. You might get a quick car to drive them over. After completion deathwarp(Rocket Launcher, Molotovs) and get to the Exit!

О Molotok
10 years ago
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