ArlanKels3 years ago

I don't see how having the category would make anything worse.

Natural11 нравится это
ArlanKels3 years ago

Silly question from a non-runner

Has there ever been a Triple Triad 100% Category, where the goal is to get every card in Triple Triad?

ArlanKels3 years ago

I'm wondering what the limitations are in regard to emulation and this game?

I've read that stuff like BizHawk tends to be allowed usually since it emulates the hardware well?

And also SNES vs other versions of the game? Are we forced to use SNES or can we roll with any console?

Krayzar нравится это
ArlanKels3 years ago

Normally the old adage "As the crow flies" holds true. The direct path often seems to reward the player with the best time. However, if people are trying to find a faster way to do something in RE3R sometimes a different approach can prove better.

Instead of going with straight lines there are often moments in the game where zig-zags or slight angles can result in saved time.

For instance while on Fine if you use proper angling you can actually go through this section faster with a Triple Dodge rather than running:

That's because when I dodged forward I went to the outside, which gave me a diagonal side dodge that was still a "True" dodge. That meant I was both going forward and to the side at the maximum possible speed while on Fine.(Caution's recovery time from dodges is awful btw)

Another thing I noticed was players kept running into the culture room and then dodging once. Needless to say where one can be utilized perhaps three can, and I figured out this:

I aimed my first dodge so that I went forward and to the right a little, once again putting my side at a sort of diagonal direction. That then put me in the perfect spot to go forward while also causing the door to open.

If you try to just do a straight dodge and then a side you actually get hung up on the door frame.

Basically what I'm trying to do is to show that there's still a lot more room in the game for experimentation in terms of movements. Maybe you can find something that shaves off .1 of a second, or maybe you can find something that shaves off an entire second.

Don't be afraid to experiment and have fun!

DayC, Natural11, и DrScarecroww нравится это
ArlanKels3 years ago

Yeah I know that Yossy I'm the guy who found the door skip :P

ArlanKels3 years ago

Thanks for the confirmation and help Failmore. I was so confused when it happened. I can't believe the types of bugs the Trainer causes with the game :o

ArlanKels3 years ago

It moves start points for cutscenes/force triggers them?

That's crazy. Any idea why?

ArlanKels3 years ago

Trainer was open in background but nothing was toggled on. Fiddling as in testing different ways to approach things.

On this run I was just mostly running through and making saves for later usage so I'd have a "clean" savefile to load from that had things set up how I wanted.

ArlanKels3 years ago

So yesterday I was fiddling with the game and went AFK on my way back to the Donut Shop.

I alt tabbed, watched some stuff, and about thirty or forty minutes later I came back to the game.

This is what happened when I unpaused.

ArlanKels3 years ago

As I roll through all the games on I'm constantly wondering this question.

Anyone have any thoughts on how optimized you guys have made the game so far?

ArlanKels3 years ago

I'm certain anyone who's played Resident Evil 3 Remake has, by now, acquired a distaste for the doors in the game. It's as though Nikolai has run around town and glued them to make your life miserable.

About three or four weeks ago(I believe) I went from labbing Inferno to also dabbling in Standard. My first challenge was figuring out a way to get to Dario faster. After a few hours of testing different approaches to the Sign Fall -> Dario door I found out something odd.

By now most runners probably have at least seen this technique utilized. Instead of running through the door, I found I could save upwards of .2 of a second via a double dodge with proper timing/aiming.

It took a while but I managed to wrestle a few runners into trying it, at which point they consistently noticed a marked improvement in time. Cassolzao suggested it had to do with how the gate "sticks", whereas with a dodge you smash it open and don't deal with that.

With that idea in mind I approached a lot of other doors in the game. Since then I've found that there are a few which, when "Headbutted", can save .1 - .2. For an example:

Simply put the game has a door problem. I recommend experimenting with different approaches to how one handles the doors. The "heavier" the door the more likely it is you can save time with a dodge through it.

One final note. I have not confirmed it, but it looks like there's also a way to save time using "Aim" at the proper timing while opening certain doors.

Again, I recommend extensive experimentation for those seeking that one or two second save across an entire run.

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ArlanKels4 years ago

The information herein only applies when in the "Fine" state. "Caution" dodges are significantly worse to utilize.

One of the facts I was told when this game came out, after a week or so of the runners tackling it, was that Dodging is slower than Running.

I started to wonder about the validity of that when I found out that you can achieve a faster Hose time using a triple:

I have since learned that under certain circumstances dodging will be faster than running.

I can not prove it, but I believe the game contains a "Momentum" mechanic that dictates the efficiency of a dodge. This is what allows Jill to shake Zombie grabs off.

When Jill runs in a straight line long enough her momentum reaches maximum and her dodges in turn become faster than running. Two dodges barely edge out straight running.

A triple dash with full momentum can be upwards of a .2 time save or more versus running. I'm currently experimenting to find optimal spots for this, but one very obvious spot is pre-Nem2

Experimentation with dashing, corners, and doors, could result in a potential 1-2 second time save over the entire run if done properly.

From what I can tell Doors and things like turning ruin momentum.

I rather look forward to hearing from you guys on your thoughts in regard to this.

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