Why do 2p runs have to be submitted to True Any% on the meme leaderboard?
6 years ago
Virginia, USA

I don’t understand. Why can’t it be on the main leaderboards, under a tab? 2p as it is is getting almost no recognition. I bet most people don’t know the 2p WR is over 2 minutes faster than the 1p WR, and that there’s tons of cool strats that aren’t used in 1p.

I really just don’t get it.

Rmac524, Yoyoshi и 3 другие нравится это
Oregon, USA

because only ikki and shaeden runs it seriously. there is noone else who actually seriously runs it, theres no need for it to be on the main boards.

Tigame нравится это
New York, USA

That’s kinda the point tho, they’re the only ones who run it seriously because it gets no exposure to the wider public, maybe if it were on the main boards more people would notice/run it... why go out of your way to compete in a category if it’s only recognized as a “meme” or cheater category? shrug

Rmac524, Noguy5 и 3 другие нравится это
Oregon, USA

Couldn't you say that to any category in existence? I'm sure you could say that to Koopa Freerunning RTA or even festival%. If any category is on the main boards it will obviously get more runners.


You could, but that only means that the counterargument of there being "only one serious runner" can be relativated for any of these categories. Most categories on the extensions board however have additional reasoning for why they are not on the main boards. In other words, what Jaba said only made sense to point out for the sole reason of being a response to your criticism, Somebro.

Отредактировано пользователем автор 6 years ago
Washington, USA

Especially now that 1.0.0 is no longer banned on the main leaderboard (which was basically the only difference between any% and true any% originally), I think 2P of some kind should be incorporated into this page. I agree that it’s an awesome category, and the community would benefit from more exposure to it. It’s a variant on beating the game from a new file, which I think should be the main criterion to being included on the main page. That’s one reason why World Peace was added to the main leaderboard, after all, even though Nipple% still has 1.5 times as many runners - no one’s advocating for nipple to be on the main leaderboard since it’s just not substantial enough. (Plus it’s actually a meme.)

Rmac524, IwerSonsch, и JabaTheJefe нравится это
Gelderland, Netherlands

As if the leaderboard wasn't cluttered enough already


It isn't cluttered enough already for a single blue tab in the first category

JabaTheJefe нравится это
Washington, USA

It’s not too bad...

Look at the MK8 Deluxe leaderboard: Items vs. No Items, different cups, run length, and cc. SM64 too - 5 categories with 3 sections each for different ways of playing. They’re okay because they’re organized well.

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