Regarding 16 Star No LBLJ
5 years ago
Michigan, USA

It's just a leaderboard to more easily compare the best non-LBLJ times. I see no reason to restrict it. You'll literally just create an even less accurate leaderboard for non-LBLJ runs.

Отредактировано пользователем автор 5 years ago
Bit нравится это
Ohio, USA

thats a joke right artism

Pignickel, Bit и 2 другие нравится это
North Carolina, USA

just because 16 star no lblj can be submitted to the regular boards doesn't mean the mods have to move all of those runs over to these boards. It's meant for those who want to compare with other non-lblj runners and if they don't submit it then it's not going to go up. The mods don't have any responsibility do move all of them over.

Bit, Benjams и 6 другие нравится это
Michigan, USA

What problem does this solve? I feel like this would make it more arbitrary.

Pignickel, Bit и 8 другие нравится это
Oregon, USA

its ok to have wasted space and random runs when its sm64memes, a category extensions board

Отредактировано пользователем автор 5 years ago
Michigan, USA

The leaderboard is here to compare 16 star non LBLJ times. Anyone can submit to it who wants to. It's currently serving its exact purpose. No need to change anything.

Mars02 нравится это
New Hampshire, USA

@ArtismScrub After looking at the first post on this thread, pretty much you're saying that people who have never speedran No LBLJ 16 Star are not allowed to speedrun that category for the rest of their lives? Well that's stupid. AND, you're also saying that only players with really low times are allowed to run that category as well?

So this is what you're saying:, Out of the 117 runs on the board, if you plan to run the category again AND have already ran the category, you MUST get in the top 36 on the boards, or else your run is disqualified EVEN if it's 100% legit. This is the worst thread I've seen yet!

Отредактировано пользователем автор 5 years ago
Bit и conmangamer22 нравится это
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