Races, contests, extra categories
3 years ago
Cumbria, England

I am delighted that we had a few really strong new runners join our ranks so far this year! I would like to grow our little game even more since our output seems to be quite seasonal and comes in spurts. I was wondering if anyone wants to do some races, or if anyone is interested in creating extra categories.

For races I would think the best method would be first to complete a course N times, which makes for far easier streaming side by side and avoids our problem of IGT bugs. We could also then harmonise emulator use and get them broadcast on SRL, and it would also open us to being able to enter marathon events in a consistent way. I would love to get SHO featured in a marathon sometime and I feel like a race would be slightly more amenable than a showcase.

Is anyone interested in a marathon category or has any other ideas they'd like? Something like 'N in a row' for each race would be a nice way to measure skill in a more balanced way without traffic/single accidents hampering strong runners' top times.

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