Jump in MidAir: World 3
5 years ago
United States

Welcome back to more glitches in Super Cat Tales 2. You might be wondering why I skipped World 2. Well, I couldn't find any usage to the glitch in that since by then you get Olli's cape at that point. So I just skipped to this world instead because there are some skips that are just interesting in here. Here they are:

3-1: If you didn't like the triple jump in 1-2, then this trick is just hell. It requires a full triple jump with Olli's cape to get the first bell quicker. You can get onto of the tree but getting this took an hour, so I'll just leave you with this footage instead.

3-3:You can skip the tank but I'm not sure this is faster then the normal way.

3-6: Not using the midair jump, but a glitch that let's you climb walls infinity. Saves a bell.

That's some of the glitches I could show you, there are some that I think could be possible that are hard to get like pub skip in 3-H, or Eternal Ember skip in 3-7. One day, those can become real skips. Anyways, thanks for reading and watching.

Gaming_64 и Oxknifer нравится это
Texas, USA

@nszme213 I'd love to see you run the game! WR is pretty free right now.

United States

Hopefully I’ll be able to do it.

Gaming_64 нравится это
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