Alert to Moderators
4 years ago
São Paulo, Brazil

I believe that perfect dodge timing is too close to the hit, sometimes the hand may go inside the character, or i'm just saying something stupid here

Blucker12 нравится это

Wy cheat? Long time ago over 15yrs ago i spliced a run.... Yes little boy me cheated for the fame and got caught like all cheaters in the end. The shame and feelings afterward is never worth it. Its still haunting me in this sport and community.

So never cheat dudes/dudets! Its bad for the community, bad for the game and specialy bad for you as the runner.

Blucker12 нравится это
United States

@Blucker12 As someone who has tested out a trainer like this, I can tell you it is blatantly obvious when an auto-dodger is on. It will dodge no matter what, you can't choose when it happens, so enemies will literally just run right through you and not be able to touch you. That's a big red flag. Or if, for instance, you see someone doing a dodge that not even a top runner is able to do or it's something that just seems too good to be true, it probably is. Don't worry. We will be keeping an eye out for this sort of thing. All of us mods are runners of this game so we the difference between a really well-executed dodge, and something suspect.

Blucker12, jangow и 4 другие нравится это

I've seen someone using this cheat and it is LAUGHABLY obvious. The only way this would fly under the radar is if you had the chance set so low you might as well not be using it at all.

Blucker12 и NuZ нравится это
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