How do I reset my progress? (Steam)
3 years ago

I want to reset my progress for pixeljunk shooter, because I want to speedrun this game. (I use the steam version of this game.)

I've tried to delete the file in AppData\Roaming\PJShooter and disabled steam cloud for pixeljunk shooter. If I start the game without the file then a new file appears and my progress isn't reset.

Does anyone know how I can reset my progress?

United Kingdom

Hiya, sorry for taking so long to get back to you on this one.

Because you're using steam, what it's doing is reading both the PJshooter save and the local version of the steam cloud save. Here's a step by step guide to preventing that.

  1. Disable steam cloud for PixelJunk Shooter
  2. Go to Steam\userdata[STEAMID]\255870\remote and delete the SHOOTERSAVEGAME file, then go to AppData/Roaming/PJShooter and delete the PROFILE_SHOOTERSAVEGAME within
  3. Launch the game through steam and you should have a fresh save.

I've just tried that and got it working, but let me know if you have any more issues. Would love to see more people pick up the game!

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Опубликовано 2 years ago
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