100% Route Info
100% Route Info
Обновлено 5 years ago от swordsmankirby

**Note: this guide is outdated and will no longer be updated. Please see the off-site guide for the latest version: https://sk64.neocities.org/katam/ **

This guide does not go into any specific strats, and is more or less just a list of videos of each section played somewhat decently. Instead of presenting the route as a unstructured list of segments, I've tried to group them together into coherent sections with the mnemonics I use to remember what comes next. For those who are familiar with the 2016 route (i.e. the one used in Kobral's personal best), I've added hashes (#) next to segments where there's been a major change.

Note that the route I used is neither the most scenic route nor the best for grinding. The order came from trying to move mixes earlier while trying to preserve my section splits as best as possible.

Reference Video (1:10:42 by swordsmankirby)

King Golem KG1

Mega Titan MT1 MT2 Gobbler GB1

Kracko KR1# Part1 (0:00-1:50) Part2 (0:05-1:50)

Wiz WZ1

Smash (Backup videos coming soon) SM1 SM2 SM3 SM4 SM5# SM6# Part1 Part2

Missile MS1# MS2 MS3

Meta Knight MK1 MK2

Moley ML1

Old Kracko KR2 (1:50-2:16) KR3# KR4 KR5 KR6

Cleanup 1 (Miscellaneous Wheels) CL1 CL2# (Peppermint Palace) PP1# PP2

Master and Crazy Hands MH1 Mirror MR1

Cleanup 2 (No Wheel) CL3 CL4 CL5 (Candy Constellation) CC1 CC2 (Dark Mind Prep)# DM1 DM2

The marathon route (see this run) is pretty much a permutation of these splits. The only differences are the beginnings of segments, where you might need to change when you get a certain ability. I suggest learning this route when starting out.

King Golem: KG1 Mega Titan: MT1 MT2 Olive Ocean: GB1 CL4 Peppermint Palace: PP1 PP2 WZ1 Rainbow Route: CL3 KR5 KR6 Smash: SM1 SM2 SM3 SM4 SM5 SM6 Candy Constellation: CC1 CC2 MH1 Cabbage Caverns: CL5 ML1 Mustard Mountain: KR1 KR2 KR3 KR4 CL2 Moonlight Mansion: MS1 MS2 MS3 (alright, MS2 is still Mustard Mountain...) Radish Ruins: MK1 MK2 MR1 CL1 Dark Mind Prep: DM1 DM2

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