Chapter 1 - The Route (True Ending + Good Ending/Bad Ending)
Chapter 1 - The Route (True Ending + Good Ending/Bad Ending)
Обновлено 2 years ago от BanDanaSR

The route isn't that hard. You should able to figure out what to do in the speedrun, but in the case that you can't here's a guide

The endings are usually done in this order but can be done in any order

Oof: The speedrun starts after resetting your endings on your computer. After that, skip the intro, and walk outside. Open your fridge, grab the Axolotl food and eat. You will explode and you've gotten the Oof Ending. When the ending title fully shows up, quit out of the game

Beans: Reopen the game and skip the intro again. First, you want to walk to the bathroom to grab the first beans, then on your way back out grab the front door key. On your way to the fridge, click the door w/o the key in your hand and open the door. Now, open your fridge, and eat two of the three. After eating two, grab the last one and walk outside. Eat it on your way to the next set of beans. Eat one and grab the other and eat it while walking to the bacon guy.

Go out to his stand and steal his money, and then go to Rhumart. After Rhob finishes talking, stand and position your camera so you are able to press buy while also being able to grab the beans from the shelves. Buy all three and consume them. Then quit out of the game once you see the title of the ending.

Rhubarb: Pretty easy. Skip the intro, grab your house key and go all the way to Rhumart. Then eat 25 of them as fast as you can. Basically grab one, press 1, eat it and repeat. If you can do this consistently you should get a good time. Exit when the title card appears

Rickroll: After skipping the intro grab the piggy bank in the corner of the room. Grab the front door key and leave. Go to the bacon and steal his money again, then go to Rhumart to buy the movie. Go back home and insert in into the player. Nothing special here. Exit the game once you see the title.

Amogus + Forgotten: This is the first part of the speedrun is that is different from normal gameplay. What you need to do is go outside to the bacon guy grab the Impostor plush next to him, go back to the right of your house to place it on the Among Us shrine (does not matter where you place it). Then go to your friend's house and on the gas pump will be the next one. Place it on the shrine, and then go back to your house. Go to the bathroom and grab the plush in the toilet. Go to your bedroom. There's nothing you can do to skip the waiting, as you must wait around 1m30 before you can go to sleep. Just wait until then and click the bed to go to sleep.

Go to the shrine and place the plush, and the Amogus Ending will activate. Then go your friend's house and enter the cutscene. Both endings will play out at the same time. The Amogus ending will end before the Forgotten ending. DO NOT exit out when the title card shows up. Wait until the Forgotten end card shows up before exiting

Good Ending/Bad Ending: Whatever one you want to do first is your choice. Whatever one you do first is the one you'll get to submit as well as the true ending (I mean you can submit both but you'll get a horrendous time for one of them). You need all the money in the map. Grab the piggy bank in your room, the wallet next to the TV and steal the money from the bacon.

The first thing you want to do is go to the window of the Rhumart and position your camera so you can see a rhubarb and are able to grab it. It saves a bit of time so you don't have to wait until Rhob finishes talking. Bring it back home and put it in the bowl. Now go grab the egg, the malk, and the flour to finish the cake. If you're going to get the bad ending first, you also need the poison inside the cabinet. Position your camera so you're camera clips through it and grab the poison. This saves a lot of time as you no longer need to buy the key.

Once you're done, grab the batter and put it in the oven, then go to your room and sleep. Wait for it to be done and take it to your friend. Exit it out when the credit finish

Now do that again but get the opposite ending of the one you got first

True Ending: The run is basically over now. Go outside and go into the portal and you'll enter the cutscene. You have to sit through all the dialogue so get comfy. The last thing you'll need to do choose the red bean. The time you submit should be the speedrun timer one, but loads will get timed out for you during verification

While it may seem super complicated to speedrun this game (based on this wall of text) it may seem difficult, it's really not. Happy speedrunning!

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new categories have been added due to the new update. these are the final ending in chapter 1, and 3 new ILs.

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