Is there a way to turn off all ads?
2 years ago
Phoenix, AZ, USA

This site has gotten fully annoying at this point. Been active here for a couple of years and donated. Never saw ads until now. Do I need to pay more money or something to have ads removed? It is horrible. I know I could add an ad blocker to my browser but I would rather not and just go back to using the site as I have been. Thanks.


As it was discussed in several other threads, right now the only options to get rid of the ads are using an ad-blocker, or using a dedicated ad-blocking browser (like Brave). It's not clear what is the future plan of Elo for the monetization/ads on the site.

Gaming_64, O.D.W. и 3 другие нравится это
United States

Yeah, use subtraction. Really gets rid of those adds.

TRLittleToaster нравится это
Gelderland, Netherlands

@jackzfiml i do too but did you know that it ruins the economy


my adblocker on, my economy just fine

SushiSquid, L и 3 другие нравится это
United States

MinecraftGaming нравится это

Frankly, I've never understood the economy of internet advertising in the first place. Especially spambots.


Don't think just turn off adblock
