Difference between no major glicht and no major skips category
4 years ago

Hi everybody, I have a question, what is the differences between no major glicht category and no major skips category in donkey kong country. https://www.speedrun.com/dkc#No_Major_Skips https://www.speedrun.com/dkc#No_Major_Glitches


It's stated in the rules No Major Skips

  • "Major Skips" include warps (this includes mapwarps and using bonuses to get through levels), Jumprolls, Superjumps, SJRs, Wrongwarps, Minecart Glitch, Boost Barrels in 1-5 and 4-1, and the wall clip at the end of Poison Pond. Essentially anything that deliberately skips a portion of a stage.

No Major Glitches -"Major Glitches" are: Jumprolls, Superjumps, SJRs, SFRs, Mapwarps, Wrongwarps, Minecart Glitch, Split-Up Glitch, Animal Buddy Glitch