Question about Speed Runs link to other sites???
6 years ago
Kumamoto, Japan

What is connection to speed demos archive and other sites? Is there a split in the community? Is it shunned upon to post both places? Are there other sites I was not aware of? 〈(゜。゜)

I know that the history was that speed demos started as a quake speedrun site. In addition, it seems to still be active have a separate community but with the same games and sometimes (like for example Ikari warriors) the speedrun times are not updated on both sites.

I am not trying to spark a debate, just really curious about what the status/relationship between the two sites and other sites are currently, and what people could tell me. I tried to google this but it was difficult so I was hoping some experts on here could shed some insight. \(;゚∇゚)/

Thank you!

607 нравится это
Kumamoto, Japan

Interesting. Moderators could be an issue of that particular community, I have already had great success and fails BUT... That has nothing to do with question. Let me just restate it before the topic derails.

My question is what is the connection, why do people still post on the other site.Is there a history?

Washington, USA
She/Her, They/Them
6 years ago

There is no connection other than the topic of speedrunning.

607, DBcade и 3 другие нравится это

SDA used to be the place to go. Now SRC is the place to go.

Though there is some info that can be found on SDA that is STILL useful.

607, DBcade, и oddtom нравится это
Kumamoto, Japan

Thank you for the responses! I'm glad there is no negative reasons.


I went to SDA the other day in fact becuase they had some information about a game that wasn't on src :) personally I haven't been speedrunning long enough to think anything about the site really though.

607 и DBcade нравится это