How are Loading Times defined?
8 years ago


after i finally got my 100% i checked out the new route today and wanted to do some runs in the near future. Only question i have: How are you defining loading times? I'm running on console, so a) I have barely enough hands to hit Space for splits while using my gamepad and b) I can't use a external program to determin the loading times. So, my proposal would be that i record / stream my run, and if i'm content with my time i would rewatch it, while recording a second timer whos only job is to time the loads. This however brings up another question: When does a loading screen need to be timed? Everytime? I.e. I save, fuck something up and reload. Unlike QL on PC this sort of loading can actually take a while, so, do i time it? What else needs to be timed? Loading screens in and out of buildings / areas? Only loading screens that are explictly loading screens i.e. showing your level on the bottom left corner, dsplaying a tooltip etc. or also black screens that appear sometimes to load something small??

If someone could clear that up for that would be great, thx in advance


I think current runners are using an auto load removal plugin for LiveSplit. If that's so, every loading time (even in QL) are removed, which will be a pain to remove manually ...


Like i said, its not possible to use. So i need to know what loads are defined as. I have absolutely no problem with going the extra mile and timing my runs twice. I just dont want anyone to reject my runs just because there are misunderstandings as to what counts as loading time. If the plug in removes all loading times, thats at least a guideline and i can do it manually. Just would like to know exactly before i have a lot of effort for nothing

Your runs won't be rejected because they're missing no-loads times if you don't want to retime everything. The plugin removes all loads: quick loads, the quick save stutter, entering areas, overworld loading when you're going too fast.

What's very important is that the plugin DOES NOT REMOVE the 3 second black screen after every load.


thx for that, would the plug in work even tho what is timed is only a screen capture from my tv? I always thought it worked via mem access


As you said, it reads memory, so it won't work on console / screen capture unfortunatly ...


thx for the answers :) Will simply resort to rewatching my runs and (hopefully) displaying a seperate loading timer.


video editing is a real pain for me :S My laptop barely can handle streaming, so i will just try it with a 2nd timer and submit it and if there's something bugging you about it, gimme a shout and we can figure it out :) But now i need to work on these damn last item climbs that cost me so much time in every try >.>


It's going to be impossible to match the plugin everywhere since a few loads are completely disguised with no indication on screen (like in the memory den). Those are usually very short loads, fortunately.


I'll just do my best, and if somethings wrong with my timing i can always fix it later or do another run :)

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