Инструмент: AutoHotkey FPS toggle
AutoHotkey FPS toggle
Обновлено 5 months ago от Daravae

What is this file?

This is an autohotkey script made by @heny that looks for the FPS field in Rivatuner Statistics Server to toggle your framerate in DOOM. Toggling framerate in DOOM is mainly useful for controlling railboost speed, but is also used for tricks that require frame buffering.

Things you need to know in advance

  • In order for the script to do its work properly, it needs to always be ran as Administrator.
  • You need RTSS open in the foreground for the script to work. That means it needs to visible somewhere for AHK to be able to toggle FPS there. Putting RTSS open on a second monitor works fine. If you don't have a second monitor (then you really need to get one) then running DOOM windowed and overlaying RTSS on top of it als works. Janky, but it works.
  • After downloading this file here, you should edit the file to suit your needs: To edit hotkeys, edit the hotkey value here in bold: *F2:: with the corresponding hotkey you need (look up Windows hotkey values if you need to) To edit FPS, simply change the number values in each hotkey. You can use as many hotkeys as you want. To add more hotkeys, simply copy paste new blocks of code for a new toggle or remove them if you need more or less hotkeys.

How to install and use the AHK file?

  1. Download and install AutoHotkey
  2. Download and install Rivatuner Statistics Server
  3. Download the FPS toggle AHK file from here
  4. Launch Rivatuner Statistics Server as Administrator
  5. Add this executable to RTSS: DOOMx64vk.exe (Its in your DOOM installation folder). Keep settings as it is.
  6. Launch your modified AHK script as Administrator
  7. Press a hotkey and check if it works. If it works, the Framerate limit field in RTSS changes from 0 to your value. Pressing it again toggles it back to 0 (which just uncaps the FPS in DOOM again).

If it doesn't work, double check that you ran RTSS and the AHK script as Administrator. Seriously, don't forget this. It just doesn't work otherwise. If it still doesn't work, verify that your hotkey value is set properly (otherwise changing to it a straightforward one) and there are no errors in the code.

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