Обновлено 3 years ago от DeuceFold

Be prepared for a LONG RUN.

If you're going with friends make sure to plan out meals, bathroom breaks, and when you will open boxes to try for new brawlers because it could take 11+ hours and these things need to be planned or it will be chaotic and eat away at your time. And make sure your squad is down for over 10 hours of brawl ball...

I'd recommend starting an account for the run way ahead of time (Because we need accounts to be free to play) and grabbing daily rewards to try to unlock extra brawlers ahead of time, this can allow you to face more bots during matches when you're under 100ish trophies.

If you're doing it solo, you're a madman and good luck, but if co-op, make sure one of your teammates unlocks brawl ball before the run so you can immediately start off in brawl ball. If solo just get brawl ball asap.

One thing I wish I did was prepare my run based on what maps will be available, so make sure to check out Brawl Stats' web page to see what map Brawl Ball will be, I'd only recommend running when its a pretty clear path to the goal so you can get very fast goals.

When you need to get 4k trophies, you won't be able to do the whole run as 1 team of 3 brawlers so you need to also plan out team comps ahead of time. I'd recommend having at least 1 brawler who can consistently break walls on your teams.

Make sure everyone on your team has supercell ID so you can get Barley for free, with just Barley and Shelly, you'll unlock 7 Brawlers just from trophy road alone netting you 9 brawlers to work with. If you use my tip from before it can be easy to get another 1-3 brawlers in a couple weeks but then it slows down a lot. Throughout the run you should also plan on getting 2-3 new brawlers unlocked as you WILL open quite a few boxes. If you start with 4, get the 7 from trophy road, and unlock 3, you'll have 14 brawlers you can push to get to 4k trophies. This means 4000/14=286 trophies per brawler. This is not the hardest trophy count to reach but games in the 200's do slow down and some team comps you may want to take further and some team comps not as far, plan this out with your squad.

Finally, make sure you can communicate with your team during the run, in game chat would actually kill a run because time typing could be time brawling, so set up a voice chat, be in person, or have some way of talking to your squad. This is important for calling out brawl ball plays, when to open boxes, and what brawlers to swap to.

Also, make sure you play with your phone plugged in, because with such a long run your phone would die otherwise ;)

With these tips you should be able to smash my World First time and make the category more competitive! Stay fast my friends! ♯DeuceNation -DeuceFold

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