Anna Endings
Обновлено 1 year ago от Moqlnkn

Ending 1: Good Decision (70 seconds) As soon as you enter the sawmill, turn around and leave.

Ending 2: Just a Scratch (5 minutes) Proceed through the game until you solve the leaves puzzle, unlocking the stockroom door, and clear away the dark fog. Behind the fog is a door. Leave through that door. This ending is unobtainable after the first blackout.

Ending 3: So Soon? (6 minutes) Proceed through the game until you trigger the first Blackout and head upstairs. There's a door in the back, past the hooked chair and pair of dressers, that triggers this ending. There are apparently two versions of this ending, but I don't know what they are or how to trigger one or the other.

Ending 4: Expelled (6.5 minutes) Go insane from taking too much damage. The fastest way to do this is to proceed through the game until you trigger the first Blackout and head upstairs, and then find the wooden lady and look back and forth at her until you take enough damage. You can view your "healthbar" from the inventory screen, on the left side.

Ending 5: Sabot Maker's Way (12 minutes) Proceed through the game until you enter Anna's Room after the second Blackout. Solve the mannequin puzzle and put the mask on yourself.

Ending 6: Inadequate (12 minutes) Proceed through the Inadequate ending, but, instead of putting the Chair Mask on your face, put it on the mannequin in front, opening up a bridge forward. There will be mannequins blocking the path. Approach them to trigger the Inadequate ending. Keep in mind that, if you collect enough intuitions, the mannequins will not spawn, because you're... too adequate, I guess. If you have few enough intuitions to get this ending, there will be a Yes/No prompt when attempting to use Anna's Key on Anna's Door.

Ending 7: The Truth (13 minutes) You can kind of... walk around the trigger that activates the Inadequate ending. Watch speedruns to find out more. Alternately, you can collect a certain amount of intuitions by exploring. Go forward, put the axe in the killer's hands, and then run to the ending.

Ending 8: The Whole Truth (14 minutes) No matter what ending you get, if you end the game with all 33 intuitions, an extra cutscene plays after the credits that reveals what is behind the chained wardrobe in the living quarters. Spoilers: It's a carpet. The post-game screen will display "The Whole Truth" as your ending if you complete The Truth ending with all intuitions, even though it's literally the same ending.

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