Merger of the ‘Any%’ and ‘Glitches’ categories: The ‘Any%’ category has been merged with the ‘Glitches’ category to simplify the experience for racers and spectators. The new unified category has been renamed ‘Any%’ and retains all races previously listed under ‘Glitches’. This decision has been made to consolidate content and avoid dusty basement on the page, ensuring a cleaner and more engaging browsing experience.
Visual update of the timer version interface: A minor visual upgrade of the ‘Timer version’ section has been revamped to provide a more modern and visually appealing design.
Adjustments to category rules: Adjustments have been made to the category rules, updates related to the manual time replay processes. These changes are intended to ensure greater clarity and accuracy in the way races are assessed and verified.
Addition of the "New v2" Timer Version: The "New v2" timer version has been introduced for more recent versions of the maps, providing a modernized timing approach tailored to updated content.
Addition of Frame Analysis Tool: A new resource has been added to the website under the "Resources" section: a frame analysis tool designed to help runners achieve precise timing for their runs. This tool allows you to analyze videos frame by frame, ensuring accuracy when retiming, especially for crucial moments like winpad delays.
New Maps Added: Maps from the classic maps, Easter maps, Area 51 maps, Halloween maps, and Christmas maps packages have been added.
Updated category and game rules: The rules have been updated and refined, adjusting various details to ensure clarity and consistency, while maintaining the professional standard that characterises the platform.
Hello, players!
This marks the very first update posted on the OKR speedrun website! I hope this format helps keep you informed about changes and improvements, ensuring transparency and clarity as we move forward together.
Addition of the FPS subcategory: Runs can now be categorized based on the selected FPS rate, providing greater clarity and organization for players.
Removal of the "Glitchless No Major Skips (Any FPS)" category: This category has been replaced by the new FPS subcategory, offering a more specific and accurate approach to the FPS rates used in runs.
New policy for runs with unspecified FPS: For players who, for any reason, submitted their run without specifying the FPS rate, these runs will not be rejected. Instead, they will be classified under the "Undefined" subcategory. This change aims to be more inclusive and understanding towards the community, especially for those who may have made mistakes or were unaware of the requirement.
New FPS guide format: A new guide has been added to assist players with selecting and configuring their FPS. This guide aims to provide clearer instructions and support for those navigating the FPS settings, ensuring a smoother experience when submitting runs.
Modification in the "Guidelines for Video Submissions" guide: Updates have been made to the "Guidelines for Video Submissions" guide. These modifications are designed to clarify the video submission requirements and ensure a smoother process for all participants.
Minor changes in category rules: Some minor changes were made to the game and category rules, with adjustments to align properly with the new FPS subcategory.
Implementation of Timer Version Functions within Category Rules: The functionality of the "Timer Version" subcategory is now explained in the category rules. This provides clarity on how different timer versions affect the categorization of runs and ensures consistency in tracking and verifying run times.
Obsolescence of the "Timer Delay" Category: The "Timer Delay" category is now considered obsolete because the bug it relied upon has been patched. However, the category remains available on the page for reference and to preserve visibility of runs submitted under it. Its removal from the leaderboard will be decided at an unknown future.
Adjustment to the Deadline for Resubmitting Inaccessible Videos: The policy regarding inaccessible videos has been updated to ensure greater efficiency in maintaining the leaderboard. Initially, players were given 30 days to provide a new accessible video URL. This was later reduced to 3 days. Now, the policy has been revised to remove inaccessible videos immediately upon a moderator’s awareness if no replacement video is uploaded. This final adjustment reflects our commitment to maintaining fairness and accuracy on the leaderboard.
We hope these updates enhance the experience for everyone and maintain fairness in the rankings. Thank you for your understanding and support.
Unannounced Changes (October-November):
- Game and category rules were rewritten and cleaned up to enhance transparency and improve visual appeal.
- Addition of a "Glitches" guide.
- Addition of a "Guidelines for Video Submissions" guide.
- Removal of the "Full Game" category.
- Addition of the "Glitchless No Major Skips (Any FPS)" category (currently removed).
- Addition of the "Any%" category.
- Modifications made to the "Timer Delay" category.
- Addition of 30+ new maps.
- Levels have been ordered alphabetically.
Merger of the ‘Any%’ and ‘Glitches’ categories: The ‘Any%’ category has been merged with the ‘Glitches’ category to simplify the experience for racers and spectators. The new unified category has been renamed ‘Any%’ and retains all races previously listed under ‘Glitches’