Low End/Potato PC RE3 Remake 120 FPS Step-by-Step Configuration Guide
4 years ago
United States

With all the discussion around the frame rate cap and viability of 120 FPS on low end machines, I made a video using a budget PC to show the viability playing at 120 FPS while streaming with quality video and audio.

You can use a computer even lower end than this and still achieve 120 FPS, as my CPU load with this setup was still only at 26%, GPU at 70%, and only 7.7/16GB of RAM were used even while streaming at 1080p60 with 6k bitrate and running the game at low settings. A slightly cheaper processor and hard drive should save you another $100 or so, but this PC was built for under $600 and I was able to reuse an old case and power supply.

As you can see, this is clearly not a pay to win situation, and you can still achieve great quality gameplay and streaming on an incredibly affordable PC. Check the description for the full list of PC specs and specific details around how I have OBS, RE3, and my GPU configured.

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