All Tiers Route
All Tiers Route
Atualizado 6 years ago por TylerSM74

Before we start this guide there are a few things that you need to know before trying a run of this game. For starters, in order to win cards in this game you must defeat a character in single duel mode and pick a statue. Each statue represents a god, the blue one being Obelisk, the red one being Slifer, and the yellow one being Ra. The cards you win depend on which statue you choose. In order to unlock a character for single duel mode, you must defeat them in a tier but have them defeated last. In order to complete a tier, you must defeat all 3 opponents in a row without losing. Your life points will also carry from duel to duel in the triple duel/tier mode. So for example if you start the tier with 8000 life points and lose 1000 life points in the first duel, the second duel of the tier will start you at 7000.

This guide will not be teaching you how to play the Yu-Gi-Oh! card game itself, but I will be giving you several tips on how to deal with this game's AI:

• The AI knows the attack and defence points of your monsters, even when facedown. As a result of this, the AI will only ever summon a monster in attack mode if it's attack is greater than or equal to all of your monsters. • There is only 1 monster the AI will manually flip summon, and that is "Man-Eater Bug". On top of this, there is a glitch where if the AI flip summons "Man-Eater Bug" and does not attack, it can switch it back into defence position on the same turn, what cheaters! • If the AI has "Fairy Box" out, it will never activate any traps that involve attacking. • If the AI has no monsters on their field, it is best to always attack with the lowest attack monster you have on your side of the field first, due to the AI activating their deadly traps ASAP. • For some reason, if the AI summons "Slate Warrior" in attack mode, during the next turn the AI will switch "Slate Warrior" into defence mode, regardless of what you have on your field. • If you have "Royal Decree" out on the field, the AI will still try and use their traps for some reason. • In general, the AI makes awful use of their trap cards. Cards like "Trap Hole" and especially "Torrential Tribute", the AI will use them as soon as they get the chance. Even if the AI has a full field of monsters, they will have no problem in using "Torrential Tribute" on the first monster you summon (sadly this does not count flip effect monsters). • There are only 2 spell cards the opponent will ever set face down, and they are "Mystical Space Typhoon" and "Black Pendant". • When the AI uses "Mystical Space Typhoon" they will usually target the left-most card. So try setting your least favorite trap there if you can. Sometimes they prioritize face-up spell/traps though.

Now that you know how to expertly duel against the AI, here is the route and guide:

Start by naming yourself "A". This way you'll be guaranteed to start with the "Zera the Mant" deck. This deck is 1 of out 3 possible starter decks and I have determined this one is best for speedrunning, mostly because it has overall better monsters. Instead of going straight into the triple duel mode (where all the tiers are) you'll be going into the single duel mode to start farming "Duel Machine 3".

This machine has a few 1900 attack 4 star monsters in their deck, so be careful, and don`t feel like you need to play out every duel. If you open up bad cards or the machine opens up multiple 1900 attackers, just surrender and try again. Each time you defeat the machine in a duel, pick the Ra statue. You will be farming this machine until you have acquired:

x3 Slate Warrior x3 Vorse Raider x3 La Jinn, the Mystical Genie of the Lamp

Other useful cards you can win from the Duel Machine 3 are cards like "Premature Burial" and "Trap Hole". After you have acquired the necessary cards listed above, go to the triple duel mode and defeat tiers 1 and 2. During the 2nd tier, make sure you duel Joey last, because you are going to be farming him. The first ever run of this game farmed Tristan instead for "Goblin Attack Force", but now I realise there is much more potential in Joey's drop list.

Each time you defeat Joey, pick the Slifer statue. You will be farming Joey until you have acquired:

x3 Zombyra the Dark

(Note: If you win "United We Stand", "Axe of Despair" or "Graceful Charity" before your third copy of "Zombyra the Dark", it can substitute as 1 copy of him. So basically if you have 3 of any of these cards in total you can stop the farm.)

That may not seem like much, but you really just need ways to get over 2000 defence monsters. There are several other great cards you can win as well, such as "Axe Raider", and "Summoned Skull".

After you've gotten the necessary cards listed above, you are done farming. Now you go and complete all the tiers and finish the run. The only tips I can give you at this point is to duel the hardest character in the tier first, in case things go wrong you can restart it. Good luck to all duelists!

Estatísticas do jogo
Runs recentes
Nível: Tier 6
Nível: Tier 5
Nível: Tier 4
Nível: Tier 3
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