tópico: We Happy Few
United StatesJamacanbacn5 years ago

Yeah the context of this original post is not the same thing you are thinking of Potato. The original mention of the name "Checkpoint Warping" was in regards to this:

I called it checkpoint warping because you could basically warp across the map based on the positions of the checkpoints. Quitting out to abuse the checkpoints is its own thing really. It doesn't skip the walking though.

tópico: We Happy Few
United StatesJamacanbacn6 years ago

We Happy Few officially releases on August 10th 2018. Once this release hits it will be moved as the official version for the leaderboard since it will actually be released and not an alpha. The older runs will be archived.

Once the game is out categories can be figured out from there. Of course will have any% for good/bad ending but 100% and other types of categories will be easier known once it is released.

tópico: BioShock
United StatesJamacanbacn6 years ago

Without a clip of it, it is really hard for me to say as I can't say I have had that happen or ever seen it occur. If it happens every time you do the level could you record it from the start?

tópico: BioShock
United StatesJamacanbacn6 years ago

The "You're fucked" is earlier dialogue and it is just playing it then but if you cannot ever get him to open the door even after the dialogue has finished it means you did not get all 3 pictures of the splicers.

United StatesJamacanbacn6 years ago

This will happen every run however it cannot be triggered while in the air so the game will not require it to be done if you are in the air when it asks you to press for the coin. Just make sure you to be in the air before it comes up. If you give it a few tries I am sure you will get it no problem :) Handy timestamp of Palace doing it

MiyukiShiba e majorbomper curtiu isso
United StatesJamacanbacn6 years ago

Hey, Sorry I apparently was not following the collection boards.

I tested Bioshock 1 when the collection came out and all the cutscene skips are basically patched out so you cannot do electrobolt skip, theatre skip (which is a side effect of electrobolt skip) , or Ryan skip. Object flinging was patched however you can still do all of those skips because they patched it in a bad way that can still be abused horizontally.

The cutscene skips being patched out is really why everyone sticks to the original.

As far as Bioshock 2 I think it is all about the same but I could be wrong. Maybe someone who knows a little more on 2 can chime in there.

NiceGuyDomm curtiram isso
United StatesJamacanbacn6 years ago

I can't say I know much about trolling or your submission. I don't really care about drama.

On the topic of the category you want there is no category variation based on death count or difficulty. The reason there isn't is because as a speedrun Bioshock relies heavily on deathwarping. It isn't that the runners can't do it deathless. It just makes it slower. For the difficulty it also does not really change much about the run.

Glitchless could maybe be added as a variable for all collectibles but in my opinion it still does not really change much. I could see maybe not wanting to do Ryan skip though.

Is the all collectibles category not good enough? Just an honest question as we have admittedly never had anyone else ask for this many variables in a category and it is seemingly kind of an arbitrary category by the standards created from the leaderboard.

tópico: A Way Out
United StatesJamacanbacn6 years ago

Not really found anything useful with it but found a network desync glitch during prison escape that leads to player 2 being launched from some kind of desync mixed with players collision.

tópico: Psychonauts
United StatesJamacanbacn6 years ago

Sounds like cheating ?

United StatesJamacanbacn6 years ago

PC: Also contains Microsoft office for typing up word documents to use in your college classes

grnts, smloader, e Burlesque curtiu isso
tópico: DOOM
United StatesJamacanbacn6 years ago

Running the game will make your comments more credible. Do a run before asking for changes to the leaderboard. There is currently one run on console. Why does it need its own leaderboard if there is one run? There is a difference between asking for a free world record leaderboard and asking for a category because you actually like it. You can't like a category you literally have never ran. As mentioned take part in the community and actually play the game. Then mods can add it but until someone actually does and proves them wrong it is staying this way.

twelfthdoc, Saijax e 2 outros curtiu isso
United StatesJamacanbacn6 years ago

If you would like the benefits of Shadowplay then in OBS where you can configure output set your encoder to NVENC. This is exactly what shadowplay uses for the encoding and makes it so you are encoding the stream with the gpu. There is a dedicated chip on modern Nvidia GPU's that allow for this and basically uses all those extra cuda cores. I recommend just setting this up cause then you have the customization of using OBS but the performance of using Shadowplay.

tópico: Dark Sector
United StatesJamacanbacn6 years ago

One thing just to note is this seems to be based on the collision of the object and terrain. If it is possible to going up like this it will berry easily just happen. Time to start running into every sloped wall to see what works.

tópico: Dark Sector
United StatesJamacanbacn6 years ago

Just bought this game out of the blue and decided to look for things. In chapter 3 very early I found a way to out of bounds.

Sadly atm it doesn't look like it leads to much as if you get to the tunnel area there is no way to jump back in bounds.

Figured I would post this incase the current runners want to mess with it or any other people looking into it want to mess around. I will be trying to find much more and can post the rest of my findings.

Slevanas curtiram isso
tópico: DOOM
United StatesJamacanbacn6 years ago

This is really a shame. I really just wanted a category I could show to my friends and family that would show off the real amount of skill I have and be very entertaining for them to watch. Without glitchless I must resort to boring and easy gliches that will only lead to me getting mean comments and getting banned by bedestha for breaking thayre terms of service. I reakky hope you would rethink this for us dedicated glitch less runnars who want to continue getting gooder at a category that is much more difficlt and will show everyone that we do not need to glatch to be good at speed runs.

twelfthdoc curtiram isso
tópico: Speedrunning
United StatesJamacanbacn6 years ago

Keep in mind all of the people who work on the site do have other things like jobs. The site work is done during spare time.

tópico: Island Dash
United StatesJamacanbacn6 years ago

Timing starts on the first input. You can press new game and just sit your character there until you are ready as no time progression occurs within the game. In the game files if you swap map 1 with a later map you can actually bypass the menu entirely and it will boot straight into the game. I can maybe make a guide on that since it will make attempts faster for you all.

United StatesJamacanbacn7 years ago

I know the game isn't all that long but would anyone be interested in IL's being added to the leaderboard? This could include the worlds not done in Any% Just let me know if you are interested. Timing would be similar to the Any% start where you press A and start timing.

United StatesJamacanbacn7 years ago

Sorry I honestly don't know. I have never played this on any console. Everything is pretty much movement based though so it might still work (at least for Alien).

There is the Fan Skip in Refinery that is done by simply holding down sprint when going downwards and you skip the fan from killing you:

Most other stuff is done by just knowing where to jump at what time.

Sobre Jamacanbacn
9 years ago
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