How many time to review a run ?
6 years ago
Paraíba, Brazil

Hey friends, hello there.

I send my run about 10 days ago, and i'm still waiting for moderators watch and approve my run. How many days i will be waiting ?

Kentucky, USA

Your run is still being investigated, since it's a pending World Record time. I've actually wanted to speak with you about this run in particular regarding a few things, however you've been impossible to get ahold of. I even added you on Discord as a friend because I was hoping to direct message you and get this straightened out, but you never accepted it.

Keeping yourself completely out of contact through social media isn't going to help your case, I'm afraid.

Editado por o autor 6 years ago
Paraíba, Brazil

Thanks for reply Lrock, sry because i barely use discord, but i will accept right now you invite !

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