Negating Fall Damage?
5 years ago
Massachusetts, USA

I just watched the coop any% run for this game and the runner doesn't seem to take fall damage, is this a glitch? And if so where would i learn how to do it?

Hong Kong

When you fall, if you aim for a slanted side of an object and slide off of it (like you're surfing) you don't take any damage. This works with basically any surface that has a side that's slanted with an angle over 45 degrees.

United States

It basically comes down to a matter of angle, however keep in mind there are difference surface conditions. the sinkhole floor and rocks works well because its not a slippery surface. If you were to however do this on the sinkhole sides, the effect will not be the same

Colorado, USA

Late, but a friend and I discovered it's more so about the hitboxes of slanted rocks. Any rock works as long as when you stand on the slanted side you look to be floating, if you hit RIGHT there, zero damage. Also, flat surfaces work just below water if you float just above them as well, for well, whatever reason. lol

Maryland, USA

I don't know if this is known but my friend just found that swinging the rock gives I-frames and negates fall damage.

Ohio, USA

Its the spot you landed or because of server lag you landed on the thing before the game could process you did that you won't negate fall damage using the rock like that.

Editado por o autor 2 years ago
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