Kaboom Quarry - Keep Double Jump
5 years ago
Minnesota, USA

Here is a run through Kaboom Quarry without losing the double jump hat.

I do the skip in a few places. Fastest run is at the end.

I think this is viable for Any% and All Stars.

chocolatecake5000 curtiram isso

wow, just tried it. must say the second jump (where you usually grab the football upgrade) is pretty hard and definitely a runkiller :D routed that far aswell, but couldnt get up there, so i prefered to grab the football upgrade instead, cause you get the flying upgrade in the level afterwards back anyways

Minnesota, USA

Yeah, it's really tricky. Works well if you are doing a single level run. But probably not worth it in a longer run.

chocolatecake5000 curtiram isso
Estatísticas do jogo
Runs recentes
Nível: S-9 Crypt Cruising
Nível: S-5 Seeking Spook
Nível: 3-4 Rainforest Rainfall
Nível: 1-B Riptide Rising
Nível: 2-3 Snowy Switches
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