Arcade 3 Players ?
2 years ago

Hi guys. Could you please create a new category of runs "Arcade 3 Players" ? I would like to add some interesting records (boss rush and a full game run)

KpEBeDkO curtiram isso

Hi Werzhil, probably not as no one else has shown any interest in this before. We had the same thing for one group of people for a 4 player run. If other groups show an interest then it would probably make sense to, but one random 3 man Russian team and one random 4 man Russian team isn't enough to warrant a new category imo. Then again, I don't personally mind either way :) Any thoughts on this everyone ?


I agree with your opinion Bill. Like if there was more interest by other groups of players, it would be a good idea to think about adding a 3 and 4 player category.

themightybill curtiram isso

I'm indifferent to the creation of a 3-4 Player category. The lack of official support for 3-4 players online could be one of the main reasons why people haven't expressed interest in a category like this, seeing as it would only be doable locally (for non-PC players at least, unless there's a way to do 3-4 player online Co-Op on consoles that I'm oblivious to) and local play is not always a feasible alternative. I could see this negatively impacting the category's popularity by default, leading to only a few runs being done, possibly by just the same group of people.

On the other hand, it does make sense to have the category there, given that the game allows for 3-4 player cooperative play in one way or another and it might be interesting to see runs done by larger teams, so I get where Werzhil is coming from.

All that being said, I'm not in favor of the category's creation nor am I against it, I'm neutral on this one. If more people express interest in it with diverse teams then I believe the category will be added. However, I sincerely don't think it's gonna happen mainly due to the interest in it being very low right now (again, possibly due to the lack of official 3-4 player online support on top of the game's inherent connectivity issues) and it would be a nearly empty category. We'll see if this changes in the future (or over the course of this discussion), but I doubt it will.