Min Captures Runs
5 years ago
California, USA

Why is there a 14 capture run category with no submissions and a 15 capture run category with a bunch? What's the one capture? Is it near impossible to pull off? Why does it warrant an entirely new category?

Wipeoutjack7 curtiram isso
Oregon, USA

Noone runs 14 captures because it's insanely hard to pull off. You have to do the infinite nut jump trick 100+ times in a row, and noone wants to do it. It skips the last spark pylon in bowsers.


Well StainedGlass501 attempted it a few times, but yeah it's way beyond inconsistent even at a top level

California, USA

Is there footage of it being done?


The categories were renamed because @BeardBear was able to prove that the final spark pylon is not in fact a capture, making all existing runs have 1 capture less.

H3xon, Jupiin, e paintophobia curtiu isso
British Indian Ocean Territory

Absolute comedy gold Award winning humour Screamingly funny satire "Dry, witty, relatable - BAFTA award winning comedian SpeedWaluigi takes us through a rollercoaster ride of laughable situations and twists and turns with everybody's hair on end!" - The Daily Mail

In case you were wondering, SpeedWaluigi: Lol i was joking bro

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