Suggestion for a 99% category
6 years ago

So we all know 100% is a really tedious category. You need to spend hours grinding coins to buy the moons and I doubt anyone really wants to do that, or watch it either. The 100% run that was submitted was fun to watch (clearly casual as he openly admits he didn't even do 100% on his main file yet) but when he reached the coin farm I just shut the stream down.

Why not leave 100% as a misc category and have a 99% category that would actually be fun to run and watch instead?

Essentially the same thing as 100%, but instead of 999 moons, leaving it to every unique moon (880 I believe). I'm not certain how much of the coin farming is needed to buy all the outfits/collectibles, but if you didn't need to buy the moons, then regular coin gathering could be part of 100% routing and not just a tedious grind at the end of a long run.

Other games have done similar things in the past when a category is clearly unfun for all involved. I think it should be done here too. 99% could be a fun category and I always enjoy completionist speedruns. All you get from 999 moons is a small chime essentially saying : Yay! Good Job! Why can't we as a community agree to run something fun instead?

It would be very different from 503 which has a more complicated route that considers how long each moon takes to get, as you would need to get them all anyway : routing would be very different as it would focus on gathering coins/purple coins/optimizing kingdoms to gather every moon in as few trips and detours as possible.

¤EDIT : Just want to point out The Witness as a game that has done something similar to skip 1 puzzle that takes an insanely long amount of time and is stupidly boring.

Editado por o autor 6 years ago
607 e Zans64 curtiu isso
Oregon, USA

all missions is basically what you said. 880 unique moons there, and you get i think all regional coins for toadette moons

Oh really? Your post just made me realize this website has a "view rules" under each category which is something that I didn't realize was there and has been bugging me for a long time.

It's still somewhat different without the purple coins and unlockables. To me, those are part of the appeal of 100%. Just a shame this game decided to add infinite sellable moons which is the biggest fault in the game for me (even for a casual playthrough).

Maybe people don't want both 99% and All Missions; personally I think they are different enough.

607 e Zans64 curtiu isso
Baltimore, MD, USA

The only difference would be getting all 52 captures, and I think you might end up getting all 52 naturally just by completing each mission

I could be wrong, but you don't need every outfit or things like that for all missions no? Since you get toadette achieves with some leeway on those. So that also means you don't need all purple coins.

Editado por o autor 6 years ago
United States

I'm sorry that 100% did not meet expectation, but...

  1. The game's not even a month old yet. That's not a lot of time for discovery or optimization, especially for as something as big as a major Nintendo release.
  2. As SomeBroYouDontKnow, the compromise category you suggest already exists in All Missions.
  3. In my view, 100% should not be a misc. category because collecting everything in a speedrun is a major accomplishment that spans a multitude of video games. If Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 100% isn't an exception, I don't see why this game should be either.
  4. Please don't make sweeping assumptions about what other people may or may not find "fun."I happen to like longer hundo categories, hence why I'm in this thread defending 100%.
Crankeey curtiram isso

I prefer 100% runs in just about every game. However, you can't honestly tell me you enjoy watching 3 hours of coin grinding with no variation. It's the same as how I pointed it out for The Witness, people didn't want to watch the 30 minute break for that boring puzzle so they made a category without it.

607 curtiram isso
United Kingdom

Would people suggest

Any % Route Enough Moons to Unlock Dark Side Dark Side of Moons for Artwork Moons Go back to main levels


250 moon route Dark side for Artwork Moons Go back to main levels

Either way we need to decide the best order to do the levels again post ending

Might be able to route it cleverly to incorporate the Artwork Moons, Costume Moons and using the Portrait jumps.

Editado por o autor 6 years ago
United States

@Raydz I haven't seen Super Mario Odyssey's Coin grind, yet, because I checked out of the Okikurume's run about ten minutes in when I realized it was more about getting first run posted to the leaderboard than getting best time, but yes I do watch grinds because they make great background noise. I also do my fair share of them on my own time. But to bring this back full circle to my first point: it's awfully soon to be assuming that SMO 100% will be the same even a week from now.

Virginia, USA

Why is this a thread

Gaming_64 e Crankeey curtiu isso

Because 99% would be my favorite category, but I probably wouldn't bother watching a 100% run. I brought it up because I don't believe I'm the only person to feel that way. I've already explained my thought process.

607 curtiram isso
United States

two words: ALL MISSIONS

IwerSonsch e IlluminaTea curtiu isso
Baltimore, MD, USA

There could be a misc category for getting all of the regional coins depending on how different it is from the main categories

United States

From what I've heard, you're already going to need most, if not all regional coins to collect a power moon from Toadette, so there is really no need.