All runs require video proof.
6 years ago
New Jersey, USA

As long as the video isn't completely blurry and like 5 FPS, you're fine.

New York, USA

Guys chill out, this really is not a big deal. There are many capture cards being sold used on ebay for around 90$. That is where I got mine. Even if you dont want to spend 90$ on a used cap card. A decent webcam or actual camera placed in the proper spot is not a bad option either.

Ohio, USA

I think it would be more reasonable to make sub 1:30 require vid proof, but that wouldnt stop fake runs either....

North Carolina, USA

Honestly the fact that people get discouraged by video proof is so annoying. "I don't want to set up everytime I want to speedrun" is the worst excuse I've heard. That's like if NicroVeda got a new wr offline and said he didn't want to set it up. You can believe it all you want but without proof you can't verify it. As for recording, downscalling to av costs like 10$ and an easy cap costs 10$. The same as a decent enough webcam. Even if you aren't a very skilled runner you still need proof. I also hate when people submit runs 1 second above the video requirement so they can brag without proof. Also @Birch many games require video proof for all times. There is a setting for mods to enable it and many games use it.

New Jersey, USA

A majority of the non-video runs are 1:45-3:00, which is where the likelihood of most of the fake runs lies. So you're right, @Emzy, wouldn't stop it.


@conmanager12 it wasn't an excuse, it's called reasoning, I'm not saying why I am not in favour of this rule, I'm saying why people might get discouraged. My current PB not having video proof has nothing to do with that

United Kingdom

great now I have to scream at my dad until he gets of the ps4 takes to long for a speed run + wipe out my canon camera memory+ get a tripod ITS TO MUCH

Editado por o autor 6 years ago
Oregon, USA

or you can buy a 5 dollar webcam

United Kingdom


Oregon, USA

or set it on a table facing your tv

Rmac524, Cursed1701 e 4 outros curtiu isso
North Carolina, USA

Honestly I feel like people react too much. (thinking of my last post i'm kind of being hypocritical :P) but people are against it for reasons that can be solved easily. Video proof doesn't mean you have to stream. and people also don't think about the options. A lot of new runners only think about a capture card which isn't what's required. A $5 webcam and a table is all you need for video proof. Or if you do want a capture card then you can do what I suggested above and get a 10$ HDMI to AV converter and get an easycap. I'm all up for accessibility but video requirements aren't a big issue. If you can't buy a $5-10$ webcam, then not to be rude but, there are probably bigger issues than verification on leaderboards.

North Carolina, USA

I'm not trying to say like "capture cards are cheap and everyone should have them" but there are options no one looks at because they think they need an HD capture card and have to stream it to get verified which is never true for any game. The only game I've seen with streaming requirements is for top level Super Mario Bros. and that game is so optimized and insane it needs it.

Chicago, IL, USA

To the people who despise video proof, I just don't understand what the absolute horror is of taking only a brief 5 minutes out of your day to set up a camera to have your run verifiable. As the thread has shown, it doesn't take a whole lot of money nor effort to get your run's verified and it simply makes speedrunning fair for everyone. If you don't have the patience to set up a camera, I don't understand how you have the patience to speedrun in general. Also @Sparticusink instead of SCREAMING at your dad maybe ask him nicely :)

Rmac524 curtiram isso

To stop fake runs


But my tablet has inverted camera and its kinda blurry, would that still be allowed? I have nothing else :/

Oregon, USA

as long as its visible it should be fine

Pays de la Loire, France

Mods take the right decision. Leaderboards must be taken seriously. Submit fake times on the site destroy the game and the community. After is my opinion.

When I wrote this message, Any% (1P) has 1985 players with only 1111 video proofs (~ 50%-55% of runs submitted)

So yea, buy a 10$ webcam or record with your phone. It's sufficient to prove your time.

Editado por o autor 6 years ago
defqon_Jan curtiram isso
Pays de la Loire, France

(And now reject all times without video Keepo )

Wrighty e Yoyoshi curtiu isso