My Two Go-To Weapons in Survival Speedruns
My Two Go-To Weapons in Survival Speedruns
Atualizado 1 year ago por Nithirex
  1. The Grappling Hook This is simply preference due to using it pretty often but its attack can be used for mobility and long range hits, especially if the enemy is just out of reach behind a box. It also does decent damage, being able to instakill most enemies. The only two downsides are that if you use the attack, you are forced to fully commit to it and if you don't kill the enemy you get pulled into their attacking range.
  2. The Flashlight This is a newer weapon that I've only recently started using and I'm not the best with it but it is very overpowered. The red attack is basically just an infinite range laser that can only be stopped by shields. It does some knockback and does pretty decent damage. The yellow attack is a flashing attack that paralyses enemies, does some damage and most broken of all, PIERCES THROUGH SHIELDS. It forces you to keep the flashlight pointing in the same direction while active. The weapon has a decent reload time but sometimes it can definitely mess you up. This weapon is BROKEN if you also use the 5x damage multiplier, allowing you to instakill all enemies from the other side of the map and not even the shield can stop your attacks.
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