Dodging Hunter γ?
4 years ago

Can someone explain how to dodge these things? There's a guide posted on here that mentions the 1,2 method, but I'm not sure what that is. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

oujisan2236 curtiram isso
South Africa

Yeah just did a run and noticed i accidentally twice dodge two faceless zombies by shoving my way over (animation)...still learning these neat dodges ppl doing not getting it right tho

K0D54 curtiram isso

Basically, when the Hunter opens its maw(mouth) he does a kind of forward movement the 2nd movement he does will be the attack you need to dodge...

I made a quick video for it, hope it helps [url][/url]

Shadowist_, NuZ, e K0D54 curtiu isso

Thanks raikiriu. Your video explains it perfectly!!

Rakiriu has it right, especially the bit about them instantly attacking if you are close beside/behind them. I've been running an inferno, standard knife only, no items attempt and have found the sewers to pose the first big hurdle. After spending a while down there I've gotten a good handle on passing the gammas, sorta... If you get just outside of the stagger point when they pop out the drain, then triple dodge forward, the second dodge will nearly always perfect dodge and the third gets you breathing room to run away.

My question for anyone that has nailed this... In Inferno (knife only), after grabbing the battery, has anyone found a clean way to deal with the double parasite zombies and gamma that pops out the right right where they stand? I have gotten lucky a couple times, but haven't been able to find a repeatable technique

Editado por o autor 4 years ago

I watched bawk once throw a nade at them, blew up just as they fell down, they still lived...

Think the only consistent thing to do is to just kill them on first pass.

Rhône-Alpes, France

Hi everyone! Currently training really hard this area, but can't be consistent for now. I'll keep training but if anybody have some tips on the timing, i will take it!

West Virginia, USA

Look up WaifuRuns on youtube. He's made an amazing video on how to dodge. Watch that video, then practice. I've learned patience is key in dodging those things.

NuZ curtiram isso
United Kingdom

An area I've been notoriously struggling with too on stream but it's getting easier with repetition. After you reach the battery, the next hunter slithers out of a high pipe. I've found it helpful to time the drop and stumble into the stun which will place you at its tail, then you can mash dodge twice to stagger behind it out of range.

The limited space does make it tough, I've just found repetitions is helping.

Rhône-Alpes, France

Thx for the answers guys, will take a look at waifu's video and trying your advice @DayC.

Yes clearly, if speedrunning learn me something, it's that repetition and training is the key

DayC curtiram isso

There is a safer dodge you can do until you get more comfortable. If you bait their attack and just run away after their lunge you can quick turn and run by them freely.

Its about a second slower but it’s far easier to pull off and means you don’t have to worry so much about this section. Freeing you to learn more important time saves

Rhône-Alpes, France

@WhamBam_TV will try this during my lunch break, thx!

United States

@SauceDallas93 something I figured out is when I go for the tail dodge for the first 2 guys you have to wait a second before pressing the dodge key. With the 3rd guy its harder though because you can get to his tail quicker.

Rhône-Alpes, France

@Jakeeenator Yes this dodge is a nightmare. This is the reason for now i think i will try some training on safer dodge, like just wait in waifu's video, or just bait him like the G2's adult in RE2 like WhamBam explained

United Kingdom


Example of the 3rd hunter that I was talking about on my PB

Rhône-Alpes, France

Thx DayC, I think your strat is good, i just need to practice the timing, but for Hunter commin from high pipe i think that's really great. Need to train for the first who's already here and who's a nightmare to me :D

Editado por o autor 4 years ago
DayC curtiram isso

Managed to get a clip of exactly what I mean

Jakeeenator curtiram isso
Rhône-Alpes, France

Thx WhamBam, so you bait him for the first animation then wait for the second then pass. It seems to be some time to pass, that's great. Will try this tonight. As you said, if i can pass this area in a safe way, i'll can train for the rest of the run


It will take a little while to get comfortable with the spacing, but once you get used to it you should be fine. You need to be close enough to bait the lunge but not so close that you can’t escape.

Then when you need to start making timesave in sewers u can learn the dodges

Editado por o autor 4 years ago
United States

@WhamBam_TV now that is an interesting strat! How much time loss does it cause?