Licker Dodges
9 years ago

For people who do not check the guide section. This is a post of all of the Licker dodges that are the best to use against them in terms of times and consistency.

KrisTehDerp, SephJul e 3 outros curtiu isso

LocoJoe, KrisTehDerp e 3 outros curtiu isso
United States

Unlocked this thread so people can ask about what they see, to elaborate. Visual shows you how to do things, but there's other nonvisual cues or very minute things to pay attention to that you can't catch by just watching the video.

LocoJoe, KrisTehDerp e 2 outros curtiu isso

Really nice vids

uhTrance curtiram isso
Prince Edward Island, Canada

This is amazing, thank you so much uhTrance, You're GODLIKE FOR THIS :D :D Really helped me improve taking no damage to lab lickers :)

KrisTehDerp curtiram isso
United States

I've been practicing another way of dodging the Lab Lickers in Leon A (US/GCN). This video just shows the basics of how it’s done. There is much to be said on positioning, lickers inactive collision boxes, manipulating the lickers and backup strats when things get brutal. From what I can tell this dodge has been fairly consistent when manipulating the first licker who is the gatekeeper to the room. Since a lot of you have been speedrunning this game much longer than I have, I would appreciate any constructive criticism on this dodge or questions.

United States

uhTrance-do you know if the dodges you posted can be used when playing US/Japanese GC? In the Leon A Licker Dodge #3 Do you run straight down the hallway and then stop and change directions once you see and hear the first licker in the room?