Bulbasaur / Squirtle & Friends / Hard Mode route
Bulbasaur / Squirtle & Friends / Hard Mode route
Atualizado 4 years ago por Raagentreg


Based on A.K.N.'s Scyther-first approach to Bulbasaur & Friends: https://www.speedrun.com/pkmntcgext/guide/j7cpg

This is basically the RTA route, but with using Scyther to beat the Fighting peons and Gene first, then switches to Fire/Fighting and proceeds as normal. Using Scyther is fairly straightforward, and gets you some great packs. Bulba/Squirt also have access to Electabuzz and Hitmonchan, which can help with Lightning and Water Club.

Remove 2 Bulbasaur/Squirtle, add 2 Energy, get free Energy Fighting Club, Rock Club side room, blindattempt or manip Scyther (top-right of TM) Scyther-only deck (max Grass/Trainers except Revive) Chris, Gene, Jessica, Michael (optional), Amanda (optional)

DEPENDING ON THE CARDS YOU OBTAIN, DO WATER, LIGHTNING, OR GRASS AS YOU PLEASE With default cards, Lightning should be the safest. Michael and Amanda might be better fought with a Fire/Fighting deck if Water is delayed

DECK EDIT: Pikachu/Raichu/Electabuzz only Sara, Joshua, Amy, EDIT BEFORE LEAVING BECAUSE OF RONALD IF WATER SECOND DECK EDIT: Fire/Fighting as per usual, or Fighting-only and do Lightning first Lightning, Grass OPTIONAL: Open mailbox packs 2-7 using manip

DECK EDIT: Dugtrio only (hopefully more than 1 of them) Fire Club DECK EDIT: Add Rattata (or add it in the previous edit) Psychic Club DECK EDIT: Mewtwo only Science Club, Fighting Club DECK EDIT: Dew/Gya for Courtney, Dugtrio for Steve, Dew/Gya/Dug as preferred for the rest Pokemon Dome

Personal notes after playing Bulbasaur%: I tended to use mono-color decks for Water/Lightning/Grass, particularly because my Fire types were so sparse. (I had 3 Charmeleons but 0 Charmanders once.) This didn't work too well on Jennifer, Brittany, or Amanda, who are best done with a Fire/Fighting deck due to weaknesses/resistances. I always did Electabuzz-only for Water and didn't run into any trouble, except trying to use it on Amanda. (I'm not sure if Scyther-only or Electabuzz-only is better if you do Water second) I didn't get much value out of adding the Hitmonchans... I've always been on the fence about Hitmonchan in Lightning Club... Michael with Scyther works well, as long as you don't accept a start where you'll die. Don't be too afraid of Magmar/Electabuzz; make sure he has the correct Energy first! Watch out for using Electabuzz-only against Ronald! Edit first!

Personal notes after playing Squirtle%: Surprisingly, both of my runs were faster than Bulbasaur, despite the starting cards being weaker. The trainer base is quite weak, you lack Grass and Lightning Energy, and don't start with a Dugtrio. I just got lucky with my packs and duels I think... Both times, I did Water, then Grass entirely, then Lightning. Electabuzz only, then Fire/Fighting, then Dugtrio only. I fought Amanda with Electabuzz, and fought Jennifer and the left boy with Fire/Fighting, so Dugtrio was only for right boy and Isaac (and of course, it then goes to Dugtrio-only Ken strats). If I hadn't gotten a Dugtrio by the end of Water Club, I would have reset.

Personal notes after playing Hard Mode: One nice thing is that you start with 20 of each Energy, since you can talk to the Energy guy twice. For the start, I'm open to Scyther, Electabuzz, or Hitmonchan. Regardless of what you pick, you need to be very lucky in the first fights, as very few duels are even winnable with your deck. Amy is quite difficult for solo Electabuzz with no Trainer support; I didn't try Hitmonchan yet. Scyther can beat the 4 duels it does in the other categories, with some luck. From there, based on your card pool, just try to get Rock/Water/Lightning/Grass dealt with. Get the mail packs ASAP to do the pack 2-7 manip (like, fight just Kristin or just Brandon (right)). The top 2 Lightning bois are very easy fights to do, and get you 4 valuable Colosseum packs. Probably open Mail Pack 12 before Dome.

Original work not done by Raagentreg

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