Easy Championship Hints
Easy Championship Hints
Atualizado 7 months ago por Wogen

This is a hint list for those who want to master and make good runs in easy championships.

To start Easy Championship you need to activate below options :

  1. Select second option (cup) from "Game" box.
  2. Select first option from "Course" box.

General Strategies :

  1. I advise you to practice and master each race before you run the whole easy championship.
  2. There is no race line advantage in the game. Game is so developed that racingline doesn't matter.
  3. "Race time" doesn't count for speedrunning. Only "In Game Time" matters. "In Game Time" : The timetable you see after each race.
  4. Start Position : You start 20th only if you won the previous race. if you finished at second place, you will be 19th in the next race and so on.
  5. In the start, first opponent front of you, tend mostly to go left to block your way. So, it is logical to first push gas pedal and push right in the start. This doesn't always happen anyway. You need to see in first 0,5 second what happen and react accordingly.
  6. Overtaking strategy is different in every track. So, you need to study, practice for each track and remember in the championship.
  7. You have to be in top 10 or you are eliminated from race and also from championship.
  8. You need to remember every corner to avoid to run out of track. This needs practice.
  9. AI Cars are not clever but their moves are unpredictable. They move on some patterns, so you can learn those patterns and prevent to hit them.
  10. Fueling strategy : 10.1. Fuel Consumption : Fuel consumption does not depend on speed. A full tank allows you to drive 10000km. 10.2. By Track : Easy 1 is "8750km over 3 stages" you know you can drive through the full track without refueling. Easy 2 is "4 laps over 3022km", so the whole track is 12088km long, and you will be refuelling after 3 laps, after a little over 9000km. So goes on. 10.3. The fuel gauge on the top right has the "dark red" area at 38,7% of tank and the bright red at 12,9% of the tank. 10.4. Re-fuelling station is a little bit after the checkpoint, so after refuelling you need to have a little less than a full lap in your tank. 10.5. About the decision on which lap to refuel: 10.5.1. Refueling drops your speed to 0, so if the track layout is such that you take more than one lap to reach max speed on the track you're driving on (because of the downhills etc), you want to refuel as early as possible to drive the longest with max speed, and possibly to slow down to 0 from less than max speed 10.5.2. One reason to refuel as late as possible is when you can reach max speed in less than a full lap (e.g. with turbozones on turbo track) AND when there are stages instead of laps - because then after refuelling you aren't overtaken by as many cars.
  11. Speed matters in the way that if you're fast enough then you can reach the finish even when "out of fuel" is displayed.
  12. You typically start a few meters before the initial checkpoint, so the distance to drive is typically just a tiny bit longer than the game says.
  13. Keeping practice advantage for championship : If you make pratice on the same track after and after, you gain practice very quick. But you loose faster, if you run another track. This is not the same for every track anyway. In some tracks you loose your practice faster and in some slower. To keep your practice most the best for you, you need come up with some sort of track list to run before championship to keep your best practice for each track. You will lost some pratice anyhow. But you will lost the practice at minimum before you run championship. This is my list for running each track (each track for many time) before championship : Roadworks, Metropolis, Desert, Mountain, Dirty Rally, Turbo Yes, you don't see first track Windyroads in the list. Because you can run first track many time as you want when you start the championship. I have made my this list form easiest to hardest to not to lost practice much. This list may be different for you because easy to hard will probably be different for you.
  14. Fueling need is optimized and following fuel amounts are best by practice :

  1. Track Strategies :

  2. Windy Road (3 Laps) : In the first few straights, try to stay in the second left lane and pass every opponent. You need sometime change your lane. There is wind from time to time. When wind comes, it can push you out of the track, especially road turns to the left. Stay on the left and turn easy. Wind comes and goes random. When you have more wind, you have more bushes. Hitting bushes change your timing huge like between 2m2.5s and 2m9.5s. Try to avoid to hit bushes. Each bush slows you down few km/h. In the middle lane you hit most bushes, on the left few. But you hit on the left lane some anyway. Avoiding bushes is set of few strategies and it takes too much practice to learn it. To learn how to avoid bushes, look at my individual track videos. After developing this skill, you can score under 2m6s. Fuelling : No fuelling needed. Max speed : 285 km/h

  3. Night Metropolis (4 Laps) : Opponents are really slow here. When you are fast, be aware of opponent and see them from long distance to avoid to hit. Fuelling : Fuel at the end of lap 3. You need practice and check how much fuel do you need to complete the race. Max speed : 273 km/h

  4. Dirty Rally (3 Laps) : Tricky track especially in the first two straights. There are three muds on the right lane. So, try to overtake all opponent from left lane. You need to make too much practice to develop your own overtaking strategy or can watch my video on IL category. There are muds on different locations on each lap. So, you need to remember them to not to hit. Fuelling : You don't need to fuel in this track. Max speed : 264 km/h

  5. Desert (4 Laps) : You can easily overtake all opponents in two straights. Then you can go mostly full speed. Needs mostly curve remembering. Fuelling : You don't need to fuel in this track. Max speed : 283 km/h

  6. Turbo (7 Laps) : Very hard track due to shock towers. S curve is very hard to make same move every lap. You need to practice for S curve to not to hit trees. Shocking towers are not random but it is hard to find any strategy to get through without hit. By my experience this could be done by stopping position on fuel lane and amount of fuelling strategy. I found few consistent strategies after many many trials. It is still hard to repeat it because it needs high timing precision which timing windows is very narrow like few tenths of seconds. You can watch my videos to learn or you can develop your own strategy. Fuelling : You need to fuel twice in this track. First fuel : Best is to fuel in the end of lap three. Second fuel : You can fuel the car in the end of lap four. Max speed : 292 km/h

  7. Mountain (6 Laps) : Difficult track due to space is limited to overtake all cars in first lap. Due to randomity of opponent cars, it is still very hard overtaking all cars in first lap without hit even you are experiences. If you make good practice, rest of the laps are easy. You need to remember where the rocks are in the right lane to not to hit. Fuelling : You need only one time fueling. Best to get fuel at the end of 5th lap to avoid to need for overtake other cars. You need 1/8 to 1/10 of tank or something like that. Make practice and see how much do you need. Max speed : 247 km/h

  8. Roadworks (7 Laps) : You need to learn the perfect path to not hit any roadwork plates. To do this, you need to make practice. After that, it's an easy track to complete without a hit. Sometimes you may not be lucky, while you turn specific curves and must overtake at the same time. This is the most difficult situation you can face on this track. You can even overtake them most of situtations. Few situtation seems to me not possible without hit. Fuelling : You need only one time fueling. Best is to fuel at the end of 3rd lap. Max speed : 281 km/h

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