NívelPrimeiro lugar
Good Moria
Good Eastern Rohan
Good Rohan
Good Westfold
Good Lothlorien
Good Amon Hen
Good East Emnet
Good West Emnet
Good Eaves of Fangorn
Good Eastfold
Good Wold
Good Fangorn
Good Helms Deep
Good Isengard
Good Northern Ithilien
Good Southern Ithilien
Good Emyn Arnen
Good Crossroads
Good Cair Andros
Good Dunharrow
Good Druadan Forest
Good Mouths of the Entwash
Good Anorien
Good Halifirien
Good Osgiliath
Good Shelob's Lair
Good Minas Tirith
Good Rhun
Good Dagorlad
Good Mirkwood
Good Emyn Muil
Good Nurn
Good Near Harad
Good Harondor
Good Dead Marshes
Good Central Ithilien
Good Black Gate
Evil Isengard
Evil Fangorn
Evil Eaves of Fangorn
Evil Gap of Rohan
Evil Amon Hen
Evil Rohan
Evil Edoras
Evil Westfold
Evil Dunharrow
Evil Helm's Deep
Evil Near Harad
Evil Southern Ithilien
Evil East Emnet
Evil West Emnet
Evil Eastern Rohan
Evil Enedwaith
Evil Fords of Isen
Evil Mouths of the Entwash
Evil Dead Marshes
Evil Cair Andros
Evil Northern Ithilien
Evil Central Ithilien
Evil Emyn Arnen
Evil Belfalas
Evil Anfalas
Evil Crossroads
Evil Osgiliath
Evil Shelob's Lair
Evil Mirkwood
Evil Old Brown Lands
Evil Emyn Muil
Evil Anorien
Evil Druadan Forest
Evil Harlond
Evil Pelargir
Evil Lebennin
Evil Minas Tirith
Estatísticas do jogo
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Postado 5 years ago
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