8 years ago
Ontario, Canada

Hey, I'm setting up a race for normal route. It's going to be called LimboFest 2015 lol. It will be a no reset obviously. If you are interested in joining please let me know here. I will set up time that will work best for all of us. All I request is you have a mic so we can all be in a call to coordinate the start time and to know when people finish. Again, let me know here

Île-de-France, France

Hype :D I'm always up for races, tell me if you need help ! skype : baruch3108


Never participated in a Race before but I'm interested ... I already wanted to try Racing before so I'm already logged in into Speedrunslive-IRC... If I'm at home and not sleeping chances are high that I answer if pinged... (same nick)

Super moderadorZet
He/Him, They/Them
8 years ago

As we have talked before, I'd be interested, even though I'd have to learn normal route for it. :) Just keep us up to date, please!

Edit: FYI everyone, the french just recently did a LIMBO race tournament on SpeedThemAll. Actually the finale is live right now. I don't know, if they are interested in doing another race again so soon.

Ontario, Canada

ok, I am hoping to do it in a few days.

Bretagne, France

Sounds nice, hope I'll be free when the tournament will take place ^^


I'm interested too ;-)

Super moderadorZet
He/Him, They/Them
8 years ago

Currently the time window is saturday evening/night for us Europeans. Who would/wouldn't be up for that?

Ontario, Canada

i'm actually at a wedding. I totally forgot. So I'll have to postpone :/

Ontario, Canada

Hey, just giving an update.

How does Saturday work for everyone? it will be about 10-11ish my time. which is 16:00-17:00 all of your time (Except Buckeye and Stefan.We will figure that out together)

Please let me know A.S.A.P. so I know who is and isnt going to be racing. We will probably all be talking through Mumble (T.S. kind of but the sound quality is better). Or maybe Skype if everyones ok with that? Again let me know and we will set it all up together.

Hope to see all of you there!

Ontario, Canada

Another fast update. We will not be using Mumble or Skype. I have a server already set up with GameVox.


Go there and sign up and the server name is "LimboFest". Its open to anyone, so all are welcome :)

Super moderadorZet
He/Him, They/Them
8 years ago

After checking my calendar, next saturday at that time looks good to me. :) I'm now taking a limbo break to have my first Normal Route run at Limbofest. :D

Ontario, Canada

very cool. Remember that we're using GameVox here for full chat

Super moderadorZet
He/Him, They/Them
8 years ago

Alright, in there and slowly I can feel the hype. :) Looking forward to the race, I hope many can participate.

Bretagne, France

It's ok with me for Saturday 16:00 - 17:00.

I was wondering Raining,how is Gamevox software compared to Skype and TS ? Because my pc is cheap and I can't race with Skype for instance, but TS is ok.

Zet, you'd better practice a bit before saturday, at least friday, not playing at all until then is quite risky ;)

Super moderadorZet
He/Him, They/Them
8 years ago

Yes, I will do some practice, probably on friday evening or saturday noon. :) A quick derust/refresh run or rather training walkthrough, as I want Limbofest to be my first Normal Route run.^^

Ontario, Canada

SamuraiBlue, its basically TS but i find that it looks much better and its free to own a server.

On a Seperate note: It looks like only 4 people (myself included) have signed up and gotten into the GameVox server I set up. It will be the only way we can communicate to start the race. So if you want to be a part of the race please signup and get into the server. Hope to see everyone there!

Ontario, Canada

hey, can i get a list of people racing please?


My answer is very late, but i'll be here for the race ;)