The Temporary XP Boost category and why it shouldn't be removed
3 years ago

Hey there, I don't think it is a good idea to remove the Temp Boost XP category when the Boost ends. Here's what I suggest: Instead of removing the category, create a new misc. category and call it something like "[ARCHIVE] Category Name" and move all the runs from the category you're about to remove there. Maybe even move it in CE instead. There is no reason to submit runs in this category if it's going away forever. Feels just wrong to remove a page from a history book if the current events has changed.

Mcguy215 curtiram isso

@Penguin remeove it

Ontario, Canada

I just think moving it to CE is the best option

Ontario, Canada

I just think moving it to CE is the best option

Florida, USA

It will be removed when the XP Boost is over because more people submit runs using the XP Boost than otherwise.

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Brand new category: Dwarven Mines%

Hello! ?

  • After making the category suggestion in the discord channel for feedback, it seemed like the most of you thought this new category could be interesting so we've decided to add it! bringing you all the brand new category!

  • Dwarven Mines%

  • Ironman DM% (SUBCATEGORY)

  • Dwarven Min

11 months ago
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