Atualizado 7 years ago por Bagel_Thief

Part 1: Agave Field to Forest Del Chivo

Start by climbing up Juan's house and stepping outside to talk to Fray Ay Ay Ay and from there head left to Pueblucho, once there you'll need to head left to the first door and perform a SDG (Select Door Glitch) and at the main menu select new game on the same difficulty. once a new game starts, pause and quit to take you to the far left side of Pueblucho and enter El Presedente's Mansion and continue heading left to the cut scene where you get killed, when you regain control of Juan pause and quit to take you back to Pueblucho (see note 1) and head right to collect the mask. During the cut scene, when Juan collects the mask, once his feet leave the floor, pause and quit to take you back to the world of the living and after a quick conversation with the man pretending to be a barrel, head to the church and punch some skeletons until they explode. From here, leave the church talk to the guy wearing a sombrero just to the right of the church. He’ll ask you to wrangle some chickens in his house (Casa Del Pollo located down and to the right of him) which you can see a guide on how to do it efficiently here:

Once that has been completed talk to him to claim a heart piece reward. Then head to the right and go up the steps to Forest Del Chivo, changing to the Alebrije costume on the way at the save altar.

Note 1: You can save an additional 5 seconds here by performing the Lupita Skip but it is not a reliable trick. to do it, when you get killed, wait for Lupita's (El Presedente's daughter) dialogue box to appear and pause and quit, then from Pueblucho, walk left back into the mansion and you will be back in the world of the dead. once you regain control of Juan, pause and quit again and you should be able to progress to collect the mask.

Part 2: Forest Del Chivo - The Temple of Rain

Progress right, rolling and jumping past all the enemies to reach Jaguar Javier at the bridge. Select 'No' at the dialogue choice (Always say no when asked a question) and he will break the bridge. Once you regain control continue heading right dropping down past the enemies to the lower section and continue right through the spike and vine areas. Head up the steps and jump through the vines to go left at the top and continue into the first arena. Complete the arena and head left and up through the platforms. Once at the top go right past the save point and keep going right through the vines and once you come to the house enter it and collect the chest. Perform an SDG going out of the house and with the main menu on the screen go and break the statue. Complete the dialogue sequence using the techniques shown in this guide video:

After the seizure animation ends pause and quit while still on the main menu. This will bring you to the start of the forest area, go left back into Pueblucho and head down and right to the Agave Field. Once here pause and quit and head right to go into Santa Luchita.

After a small dialogue interaction with a fleeing resident head right into town and head up the stairs. At the rightmost point of the stairs, jump off the edge to collect a stamina chest and then jump back onto the stairs, then continue heading upwards and enter Combo Chickens Gym. Complete the tutorial and exit heading left across the rooftops, smashing a treasure chest along the way and continue heading left until you reach Temple of Rain.

Part 3: Temple of Rain.

Head up the stairs and continue right to the temples entrance, hit the portal at the top and enter. Avoid the enemies and head right until you come to X'tabay who will trap you in an arena. Once your enemies are dust jump out to the right and hit the portal to continue going right, go through the next two rooms and when you come to the point where you can head up or right keep heading right and complete the portal puzzle to get the stamina chest. Return to the previous room and head upwards to the next room. Hit the portal on the left hand side of this room and head through the door beneath it from here head up to the top and head right at the save altar to complete an arena which is holding another stamina chest hostage. From there go back to the save altar and head left to enter another arena. After the arena head right to the room containing six treasure chests, although only 2 of them contain any goodies, you must still break them to get 100%. Then head left and after completing the arena below drop down and break the statue to get your second ability Olmec Head-butt. After getting head-butt break the block and head right, in the next room you need to purchase Stamina Delay Boost (Option 4 in the menu) and continue right until get to the door and go through it. From here you should go down in the middle of the platform so as to hit a portal and jump left and get the chest behind the yellow block which you can now pulverise. Head back up to the room with two doors and go through the door on the right. Keep heading right and break the red block then head upwards. Complete the two arenas and follow the path down until you get to the Alebrije, climb it's back and go up then head left to claim you next ability Goat Jump. After you get this ability head back the way you came and drop down, head left and use Goat Jump to follow the path back to the door.

Back in the central room you can now head upwards using Goat Jump and break the yellow block on the left, follow the path upwards and continue going up until you reach a room with green skeletons in. Head right past the red skeleton and go up from here follow the path left until you have a choice to go either up or left continue going left and complete the portal puzzle. In the next room dodge past the enemies and break the yellow block to collect a health chest and double back to the previous room and head upwards to meet X'tabay again and complete the arena. Head left and follow the path, collect the chest beneath the giant and continue upwards past the armadillos. Jump right and head up the stairs to the Alebrije auto-scroller. After a scolding from X'tabay drop down the chimney and break the three treasure chests at the bottom. Follow the path, breaking the yellow blocks until you reach the Olmec head and use it to teleport to Santa Luchita.

Part 4: Frog slam – Pollo Power. From the Olmec head, go right and use the store on the rooftops to buy the final stamina delay boost upgrade (Still option 4 in the menu) and then head right to go into the bar. From here you will see FlameFace for the final time (Yes, even in 100% this is all the screen time he gets) and he’ll lock you in to get Frog Slam and have to tunnel your way out. Once back outside the bar, head to the top of the map and go right into the Desierto Calliente. Go right and collect the treasure chest then break the four green blocks and immediately after the last block has been broken, use an Olmec head-butt to stop your decent and press left to hug that wall. At the bottom of that wall press and hold jump and immediately after pressing jump, press dodge. Doing this should cause you to perform a buffered wall jump and allow you to reach the platforms and skip the Cacti arena and should look like this: Continue right past enemies until you reach a green block, break the block and head downwards then right, into an arena. Complete the arena and break the red block to head topside, once topside continue heading right until you reach another green block, once again break it and head downwards. Follow the path breaking the blocks along the way until you reach another arena. Complete the arena and go right then up to get topside again. Head right pat the enemies until you reach another green block and after the short cut scene (you guessed it) break it heading down into an arena. Complete the arena and head right to once again meet up with X'tabay.

At the end of the cut scene you will be turned into a chicken and head left out the room. Follow the path until you come to a green skeleton at this point drop down and head right into a chicken path to collect a treasure chest, once collected continue heading left. Keep heading left until you reach the armadillo arena, let them commit Sudoku and continue left. In the next room jump up and get the treasure chest before continuing to head left. Follow the path left until you reach the room with vines in, navigate the room and at the bottom left of the room there is a Pollo path you can follow to collect a heart chest, from there head back to the vined room and take the higher path to the left until you reach another arena. Complete this, then head left into the plant maze. Navigate this and speak to Rooster standing on the ledge and gain the Pollo Power ability, (see Note 2) complete his changing tutorial and from here you will need to head up to the save altar and move right to uncover a Pollo path and then pause and quit.

¤Note 2: From this point it is possible to get the trick "Highway to Hell" which while very useful in any%, saves only a few seconds in 100% but it all adds up. Here is a guide to performing the trick: Instead of going to El Infierno (which is currently impossible) go left past the Devil Rooster and fill out the Pollo path and pause and quit, as above.

Getting the Pollo Power allows you to exploit the game into allowing you jump infinitely using a series of inputs which we refer to as “Swaphopping”. Here is a tutorial on how to do it:

Part 5: Forest Del Chivo – Agave Field Mask Piece. You should have been warped to the Tule Tree entrance of the Forest Del Chivo, from there head up and past the vine in the room and swaphop upwards to collect a money chest and continue left past the game’s first arena and go up and in the next room break the red block and through the newly opened passage and go left past a few enemies and break the money chest before heading to the main chasm in the forest. Make your way up and on your way break the red block and reach the top and activate the Olmec to the right of the chasm. Then head left over the chasm until you reach a green block. Break the block and collect the treasure chest and continue left until you reach Pueblucho. Head left through Pueblucho and straight through to the other side and into El Presidente's Mansion. In there, break the chest and head back to pueblucho and go into the first house and make your way to the bottom to fight X’Tabay. Once she has been dispatched you will get the Dimension Swap ability.

For the purposes of my sanity writing this I will abbreviate which dimension you should be changing into as follows: DSL= Dimension Swap into the world of the living. DSD= dimension Swap into the world of the dead. If it is not stated in this guide which dimension you should be in, it should either be obvious, compulsory (combo chicken) or not matter at all.

After a brief tutorial, head left, perform some wall jumping and go right at the first opportunity to find a save altar and 2 chests. Leave X’Tabays house, DSL and go into the next house on the right, collect the two chests in there and exit that house and move up and into the church. In there, go up to the top left part of that room and continue up to collect the money chest and exit the church. From outside the church door move directly up and collect the heart chest, DSD and move right. Continue past the Luchador statue and enter the next house and complete the Luchador doll side quest and collect your heart piece reward and leave the house, DSL and move right and make your way to the Agave Field. Once there go into Juan’s home and break the yellow block and collect the money chest and then in Pollo form, head to the bottom right of the house and DSD to discover a hidden passage to the Pollo maze and at the end of that, you will find the door to the Mask Piece. Once you have collected it and the animation has finished, pause and quit.

Part 6: Forest Del Chivo Mask Piece You should have been warped to the entrance to the forest mask piece, go inside and collect it and like before, quit once the animation has finished.

Part 7: Forest Del Chivo – Tule Tree Collection Go right and make your way through the Pollo path and drop down to collect the stamina chest, then head right and swaphop over the swamp and keep moving right past the bottom of the chasm and start moving down past the green skeletons and swaphop up to grab the money chest which is visible in this room, then move down to the next room and once you’ve moved down through the platform head left into the Pollo path to collect the heart chest, from there continue right to the Tule Tree. Once at the Tule Tree, perform a SDG at the first door and get to the false main menu, go to options and pause the game, use your mouse to click the “OK” in the options menu in the background and a sub menu may appear asking yes or no, select no and unpause and this should clear all menus but cause you to have an active SDG at the Tule Tree. Then take the Olmec head and teleport to the Temple of Rain. In there you need to move left until you can go up or down, go down and keep moving right to collect one of the 2 heart chests remaining in the temple and then head down to the room with 2 doors and go through the left door and make your way to the save point near where you collected Olmec Head-butt. Once the save altar has been triggered pause and quit. This should bring you back to the Tule Tree Olmec head where you should once again perform an SDG and hit continue on the main menu, this should bring you back to the save point in the temple of rain, pause and quit once more and this should warp you to the highest save point in the Tule Tree and now we can finally start the collection. Go through the door to the right and DSD to get a clear view of what you’re doing here as some areas of the tree have bushes in the foreground which will obscure your view and use swaphopping and platforming to travel to the heart chest which is directly above the door you come in from and once the chest is broken, pause and quit to avoid the animation (you won’t collect an item this way but as long as the chest is broken, it’ll still count towards 100%). This should warp you back to the highest save point again and this time go left and drop through the platform and go through the door you fall at, from here you need to go directly left through the Pollo path to collect a Money chest and go up and to the left, here you can jump from the edge of the platform in Pollo form (you can do this without swaphopping if you don’t want to play it safe) to avoid the arena and collect the money chest to the left. From here you need to fall off the platform to the left and swaphop up and to the right, dodging mid swaphop through the vine to collect the heart chest and like before, pausing and quitting to avoid the animation. Back at the top of the tree for the last time, drop through the platform to the left and head out the door, this time walk of the platform to the right and drop to a door below and go through it. Hit the save point and do an SDG and hit continue, from this point when you quit in the Tule Tree you will now warp to this save point. Go out the door and move left and do a large amount of vertical swaphopping to get to the door at the top, go through it and head up to find the next ability, “Double Jump”. Getting Double Jump allows you to use a movement exploit called “Wallhopping”, for which you can see a tutorial, here: Once the seizure animation has completed, pause and quit and go back out of the same door to the right of the save point. Head right this time and go below the platforms to break the red block, use Wallhopping to move up quicker and break the money chest and immediately pause and quit to warp back to the save point. From here drop down through the floor and head down the Tule Tree until you get to a room with two doors, DSL and drop down through the floor and complete the puzzle to break the heart chest and once you have (you guessed it) pause and quit. Drop down the tree back to the room with two doors and go through the door on the left, complete the puzzle to collect the stamina chest and go back through the door and this time once inside the tree, take the door on the right and DSD. Once back outside drop off the platform to the left and swaphop to the right to grab the last chest in the Tule Tree (Don’t get excited, were not done here yet) and from there drop down and go through the door. From here continue heading down until you get outside by the Olmec head and use it to warp to Santa Luchita. Once there use swaphopping and wallhopping to get to Sierra Morena and once you do, pause and quit. This should bring you to the basement of the Tule Tree and from here you should go right and into Desierto Calliente. Follow the path ignoring the red block and you should come to a heart chest which you should break and pause and quit taking you back to the Tule Tree basement. Here you should go left and break the red block and go through the door to the Olmec head which you should use to go back to Santa Luchita.

Part 8: Santa Luchita Questing – Treetops Mask Piece. DSL and head right towards town and go into Isabella’s Kitchen to talk to her and activate her side quest, from there head right and trigger the save altar, drop down to the nearest door and perform and SDG pressing continue at the main menu. No go through the nearest door again and break the heart chest and pause and quit which should avoid the animation and take you back to the save altar. From here you should head up and to the right taking the time to talk to the guy in the sombrero just before you get to the desert, this will activate the ¤sighs¤ Chicken Thief side quest and you should go right into the desert. In Pollo form go right and drop down where the four green blocks used to be and hug the left wall so as not to trigger the cacti arena you skipped the first time round, go through the Pollo path and buy your way into El Infierno and make your way to room #3, go in there and leave straight away instead of doing the challenge. Once you have left the room you should now have the “Dashing Derp Derp” and “Goat Climb” abilities and are safe to pause and quit (pausing and quitting from inside room#3 will accomplish nothing but a time loss). You should now be at the forest entrance of Santa Luchita, DSL, head right and go into the first door to complete the ¤sighs¤ Chicken Thief side quest. Once you have done so, leave the house and head right and down and enter the lowest door in Santa Luchita and break the blue blocks to reunite the mariachi band. Leave this house and jump onto the ledge nearby with a man standing on it. Talk to him and he will give you cheese for Isabella and from here go right into the Caverna Del Pollo. Go along the set path until you get to a door, take this and jump up and move to the right, keep going all the way right but take the time to swaphop to collect the 3 chests on the way to the entrance of Chac Mool and from there you go inside, collect he mask piece and quit out after the animation finishes. This should bring you into Combo Chicken’s Gym and from here you should go left and where there are 2 doors (one directly above another) go through the bottom door, break the money chest and DSD and DSL to find ERROR. Leave the building and head left to go and Give Isabella the cheese. Leave her Kitchen and go left dropping down as many platforms as you can while you do so to find a girl who will give you beans (for no good reason she will only speak to you while you’re in chicken form if she is already facing right, otherwise change to human form) and give the beans back to Isabella. Once she has them, DSD and head down to the main staircase where there is a man who will give you the Insane Dead Chiles and from there you DSL and swaphop right and go into the rear entrance to the bar and go to the bottom and break the 2 chests that are there and pause and quit on breaking the second one. Once again leave Combo Chickens Gym and this time go left and through the top door of the two to speak to ERROR’s sister and get the reward of a heart piece. Then go and give Isabella her Chiles and leave the Kitchen and drop to just below ERROR’s house and collect the Tortillas and deliver them to Isabella, completing the quest. From here leave the Kitchen for the last time and head left to the Olmec Head and warp to the Tule Tree. Once there, enter the tree and drop through the platform to the basement. Now you can break the blue block and Goat Climb all the way up to the Tree Tops for the hardest challenge in the game (I told you we weren’t done with this place). There are many techniques that can be employed in this area that suit the runner’s preference. But here is a video of the fastest method I’ve seen done: DSL and once you have gotten the mask piece, pause and quit after the animation.

Part 9: Sierra Morena

You should have been warped into Combo Chickens Gym and leave it an head straight for Sierra Morena, once there you will immediately need to start climbing the mountain until you get to the first cut scene with Jaguar Javier (Pumaman for all future references) which you can skip. Once onto the following screen you’ll need to start Swaphopping upwards and right to go into the (no so) hidden path and claim a heart chest and from here you have 2 choices: Choice 1 – This is difficult to execute perfectly and if it goes wrong it’ll result in a time loss over choice 2 but is significantly faster than choice 2 if you get it. DSD and keep moving up and right and then drop down and move right into the arena. Go to the bottom right corner in pollo form and peck the green armadillo until you can throw it (about 4-5 hits), change into human form and throw it straight up and immediately wallhop up to the platform with it and once there, transform into pollo form again and peck the same armadillo until it can be thrown again and move all the way to the right of the platform. A cactus enemy will spawn around this time and the sprites in that top right corner from right to left should be WALL, YOU, ARMADILLO and CACTUS. If you change to human form and try to throw the armadillo in this tight space you will clip through the wall on the right and you will be able to swaphop your way to the next mask piece. If you kill the armadillo by mistake you will have to either complete the arena (which isn’t short) or die and try again.

Choice 2 – Less risk but less reward. From the chest move left and back out from where you came into that room until you get to a chasm, you will need to jump out into approximately the middle of the screen and vertical swaphop upwards, once on the next screen, swaphop over the cat statue and take the bottom right path. From here you will enter an arena with Chupacabre’s from the wrong side. As quickly as you can, die in this arena and it will warp you to the right of the arena, just drop down and go right to swaphop your way to the next mask piece.

Keep moving right until you get to a door on a lonely platform and go through it to find Cueva de la Locura. Here is a video on how to navigate it without Swaphopping. You should swaphop throughout this place except for room 4 which is faster to navigate by regular platforming methods. Once you have collected the mask piece, make your way manually out of Chac Mool and out of the second door back into the Sierra. You should drop down near a save point and you should now have the ability to fly in pollo form. Press on to the right and once you’ve broken the green blocks in the following room, drop down and to the left and grab the money chest. Use Pollo fly to manoeuvre over the following spike puzzle and break the coloured blocks in the tunnel and move up and right to the next screen, Chupa Mountain. No need to be nervous as you should just fly as fast as possible straight up, grab the money chest and continue up without doing any difficult platforming. Once onto the next screen move left and use Pollo fly to avoid the arena triggers effortlessly and continue left to grab your final ability, Goat Fly! Double back and once again avoid the arena triggers and head right.

You now have access to a movement exploit we call The Hyperfly and it’s performed by using Goat Fly off a wall and double jumping out of it, transforming into Pollo form and using Pollo Fly to maintain your horizontal speed while being able to move vertically using the Pollo Fly. Take care when trying to move down while Hyperflying as just simply falling will greatly reduce your horizontal momentum, you will need to press jump to stop the fall frequently while doing it infrequently enough to actually be moving down.

Keep heading right and once through the room with a save point at the bottom of a steep hill, Pollo Fly upwards and to the left to discover a hidden passage containing a money chest behind a blue block. From here you need to move back right into the very large room and fly to the bottom right of it, once there make your way upwards and break the heart chest and then go left through the Pollo path and from here make your way straight to Pumaman using all the abilities at your disposal. Once he has been unceremoniously dispatched, Pollo fly over the next Uay Chivo cut scene to the right until you hear the trigger for the Olmec head being activated and then pause and quit. You should be warped to the Desert entrance of Santa Luchita and go right into the desert.

Part 10: Desert and Temple of War

Right and drop down below in Pollo form, hugging the wall to the left to avoid triggering the cacti arena below, go left and collect the money chest and then continue moving down and go past the El Infierno entrance and make your way through the plant maze, continue right past the Alux arena and onto the room with the vines all over it. Take a damage boost though the first vine you can and then pollo fly during the I-frames straight up to reveal a passageway containing a heart chest. Make your way to the right side exit of the vine room and keep moving right, past the save point and go through the Pollo path, past another save point and in the next room, break the money chest hidden behind a blue block and head back out of this room the way you came into it. At the first opportunity make your way above ground and go up and left to reveal a Pollo path containing a heart chest and above that path there is another heart chest. Once these have been collected fly right to find a heart chest on a platform in mid-air (it’s possible to hyperfly to this chest and break it without losing momentum) and continue flying right to get to a money chest, break that and drop down to the right of it and underneath you’ll find a cactus and a Chupacabra guarding a stamina chest. From there, fly right and make your way underground at the first opportunity. Drop all the way down and go left into the shield tutorial arena and drop down to find a Pollo path containing a heart chest. Now make your way back above ground and move right and up to find the final chest (once again it’s possible to hyperfly to this chest and break it without losing momentum) and continue right to the Temple of War. DSD and off the first vertical wall inside the temple, perform a hyperfly until you see a red block in the ceiling, break that and collect the money chest it was harbouring. Move back down and right to an arena. Once completed move right through the next room and up through the room after that. In the following room you have the choice of going down or up, going down is the main path but for now let’s go up and do a spot of collecting. In this room you’ll be swarmed by enemies but ignore them and move right and drop through the floor, DSL and break the green block and then the red block to collect the money chest, exit this area and go left across the acid lake, go up to the top and move right to find a money chest, now back track down to go to the main path. Once you’re back on track, drop down and move right to find another arena, once completed hyperfly to the right and look out for an area in the floor you can drop down, this area hosts 2 cacti and a heart chest. Once the chest has been broken, exit this room and start heading up, you should find some moving vertical platforms you’re supposed to climb up, then a little Pollo maze in the next room and 2 more rooms with moving vertical platforms, but you should use a goat climb/ Pollo fly combo to make these rooms a joke. Once they have been traversed in the following room, Pollo fly up and right to reveal a Pollo path and go through it (not the pollo path on the floor). This room is hiding a heart chest behind a puzzle which is much easier with Pollo fly (but don’t get cocky as this room will kill you if you lose concentration). Break the heart chest and go left and break the red block to exit this room and once you do you’ll find an easy money chest. Break that and in this room head to the top left corner of this room and onto the next arena. Beat this arena and go left into the next room with the Olmec head and from here go up. The next room contains large moving walls in a tall room, go to the right still wall and goat climb up it until the blue block, break that and collect the money chest behind it and go back to the moving wall room and move up until you can exit it going left. When you come to the blue blocks, don’t break them but instead Goat fly off them to the right, it is important you don’t turn this into a hyperfly as there is more blue blocks and enemies to hit. You should come to a room with an acid pool and a small path to the right, go through that path and collect the stamina chest and retreat back into the room with the acid pool. It’s possible to goat fly back at such a height you will cause the camera not to follow you through the next corridor to the left which is necessary as if you don’t, the red skeletons will hit you causing you to lose your speed. Position yourself on the wall and line up Tostada’s elbow with a notch sticking out of a wall and you should be ok, but for further reference I suggest watching the current WR run. Continue this fly all the way to the left until you’re stopped by a wall, drop down and complete the arena. In the next room head to the top and go right into and arena concealing a money chest behind it. From here go all the way to the left, past the blue blocks and head up to find a money chest you can fly up, grab and fly back down to exit. Keep heading down through the dimensional platforms and goat fly left, jump and dodge through the vine and break the blue blocks to the left and head up. There is a blue block on the left side of the next room housing a money chest and continue going up to the next room and from there, goat fly left into the following room. Here you’ll see an obvious money chest and if you goat fly from the wall below where that chest was, you’ll have a clear flight all the way to the autoscroller which leads to the observatory and the hardest boss fight in the game: Flameface! Once he has been snuffed out continue left and collect the 2 chests in the following room where you should get Goat climb, continue left and start falling and grab the long vertical wall to the right and goat climb up to smash the final chest in the Temple of Goat Fly, pause and quit to avoid the animation.

Part 11: Tying up loose ends.

You should be warped into Combo Chicken’s Gym and now is the time to complete this quest. The reason you leave this until now is that at the end of the quest, to leave the gym you will need to speak to combo chicken for 1 or 2 dialogue boxes and this would occur every time you warped into here afterwards. This is the last time we will be warping into the gym which means it’s time to make Poncho explode. Once out of there go right and use the large wall to Goat Fly left all the way to the Temple of Rain (you will want to be as high as you can be on the wall to avoid flying into random chickens). Once in there use pollo fly and Goat Climb to collect the last heart chest in the temple and pause and quit to avoid the animation. From here move right and use the Olmec head to warp to Forest Del Chivo. From the Olmec head go right and use the Pollo path to find a Heart chest by the skull switch and go out the Pollo path on the right side, use Pollo fly to move up to the top platform and move right to find a money chest and from here you should use the wall underneath to Hyperfly upwards to the right and find a stamina chest. Break that and pause and quit, this should take you back to the Olmec in Santa Luchita which you should use to warp back to the forest. From here, DSL and fall into the chasm on the left, stay close to the right side wall and break the green block and enter the “Green Room”. Complete the puzzle here to break the money chest and from the entrance of the room, if you get low enough on the wall you can goat fly into the “Red Room” as you broke the block earlier and grab the heart chest. Leave this room and stay on the left side of the chasm and fall to break the yellow block but continue down until you are on the wall opposite the “Blue Room”. Goat fly through the blue blocks and grab the heart chest and then leave the room. It is possible to use an acid warp if you collect the chest without touching the floor to get back to the “Yellow Room” entrance, but if you fail, leave the “Blue Room” and Goat Climb up the right side wall of the chasm and Goat Climb into the “Yellow Room”. Once in here DSD and collect the money chest, then get to the top left of the room and Goat Fly into Hyperfly to leave the room. You can then maintain the Hyperfly across the chasm and through the gap in the wall on the right side, keep flying past the enemies in the next room and only stop once you can drop through the floor to the next room. From here move right towards Uay Chivo’s house. Break the blue block above you and collect the heart chest behind it, then go right past the vines and red blocks until you are at Uay Chivo’s house. Use the Pollo path to the left and grab the money chest at the end of it, then go back up and at the top right of the room to find a red block, break it to find a heart chest, break that and pause and quit to avoid the animation. Now you’ll be back at the Santa Luchita Olmec head and you should use it to warp to Sierra Morena. Then go to the right and break the money chest and keep going to break the Stamina chest and Goat fly to the final area of the game.

Part 12: The Grand Temple. For this part you will need to follow these instructions exactly for this trick to work. Enter Great Temple in pollo form and once inside move right to avoid the region save trigger (you simply go underneath it in Pollo form). Then jump/fly over the first save altar without activating it and head to the right. You cannot activate a save altar in this temple until later on so if you see the save icon in the bottom right of your screen while going past a save point, you’ve done something wrong and need to pause and quit to try again. Go up and left to find an arena, beat it and collect the money chest to the left, DSD and goat climb up the shaft above the yellow skeleton arena. Collect the stamina chest in the side room of the shaft and continue upwards to another arena. Complete this yellow shield arena and be in pollo form when the piñata appears. This is the most important part of this trick as the game is saving that you are in Pollo form in the Grand Temple but not an exact location (exact location saving happens at region saves (when you enter an area) and at save altars which is why we are avoiding both) and I will be explain why this is important later. Head upwards to the top of the shaft and in the next room, Hyperfly across the acid lake to the left and go up to the next room. Use the Pollo path to collect the money chest through the maze bottom, then go back and continue up through the next room. Go left through the portals and keep following the path until you get to the top of the dimension wall climb and collect the money chest to the left. Then make a purchase at the next altar without activating it (I recommend option #5, Stamina Regen Boost for the Calaca 2 fight), then pause and quit. Back in Santa Luchita you should now be at the forest entrance and you should walk (without jumping or you will trigger the region save and ruin the trick) to the right and perform an SDG and hit continue on the main menu. Hitting continue will take you back to the last point your exact location was saved, only as I was explaining before, we’ve been doing our best to not save our exact location, so the game only really knows that we are in the Grand Temple. So it will not know where to put us and assumes that we should be at the Olmec head at the end of the temple. Once there move away from the Olmec and then back to it to activate it (there is no need to avoid save points now). Then roll into the blue bocks and head down, past the next room with the weak enemies in and through the corridor on the right, break the yellow block and head down the outside of the temple and go left. The next room is an arena which shouldn’t trigger as you came into it from the left side. Sometimes this arena doesn’t like to be left out and activates anyway, simply let the first bomb explode to insta-kill you and you’ll be moved to the left of the arena to go on your merry way. Use the wall to Goat Fly left past the Lightning Skeleton arena #2 (This is not at all fussy about being left out and never activates unless for some reason you choose to move right). Drop down and go through the floor, break the green block path and get the money chest in the portal room to the right of this shaft. Continue down to the bottom of the shaft and go left, make your way through the portal puzzle and up to the top of The Staggered Climb to collect the money chest behind the yellow block and then fall back down The Staggered Climb and make your way back to the Green block shaft. At this point go down through more green blocks all the way and then move right, drop through the floor and go left to find the Alux shield arena. Kill them all and collect the money chest to the left of the arena. Retreat to where you dropped through the floor and move right, go through the next 2 portal rooms and Goat Fly through the blue blocks and down through the green blocks, go through the portal and drop through the floor. Drop down through the Pollo path to the left and go through the portal and collect the money chest, go back and move right and drop down into the Lightning Skeleton Arena #1. Complete this final arena and move left through the corridor and go down the green block shaft and halfway down break the yellow block to get the heart chest in the room behind it. Then climb back up the shaft and go right, past the Lightning Arena #1 and past the large corridor of enemies and Pollo fly up the outside climb. Break the final chest at the top and pause and quit. Use the Olmec head in Santa Luchita to go to the Grand Temple. Move right and Talk to Uay Chivo and continue right, kick Calaca’s ass and beat the game. Here is Protongues video guide to completing the Grand Temple:

Thanks for reading and hope you enjoy speedrunning this game!

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