8 years ago
South Yorkshire, England

Add alternative snapshots to this thread


Edit: I don't know if people already do that, but since if you are good, the two seconds gap between each photo should be enough to aim at the next photo, but the first one needs to be done as fast as possible. Therefore, you need to start with the fastest one, which is the one that you can aim or zoom at the fastest.

I have put some work into this. Also, roughly 5 of the photos are from Powdinet.

Download (~20 MB)

format: <mission> COLON <where to stand> COLON <which op> DOUBLE-DASH <old route> (world record, I have it on my drive) 555: waiting area: building -- ice cold killa drive [Powdinet] pimping: burger shot -- forgot [Powdinet] mountain cloud: at alley: super market -- forgot

T-Bone Mendez: next to fcr: Xoomer -- Outrider, near naval base

Photo Opportunity: main road bridge -- Outrider, near naval base

Outrider: 2 near Sanchez:

  1. nrg garage --micro-- up close
  2. those white gas "containers" (probably that's what they are) --micro-- near Outrider end destination

1 near Patriot: ship -- micro-- near Naval base

the run stops on the way to road block 1, I take all at the first road block also: church --micro--intersection near third road block

after Hashbury parking: construction billboard --micro-- way to Hashbury parking

Pier: Pier sign -- after a race (both are waiting time, you have 2s for the photo but that is easier than all three post-race photos, when you fail you can still do it then)

twisted path property: end of a tunnel in the North -- Ice Cold Killa drive [Powdinet]

Friesland, Netherlands

Your post is difficult to read


Don't read it then. The pictures are enough.


Some minor idea: after the last photo, use the time that the game freezes to turn back to your vehicle, that should save a few frames. You can either aim with CJ's camera or use the "normal" camera and then tap "aim" to do the actual turn.

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As of this news post, the San Andreas leaderboard will function in

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