Multiple Video Submission
4 years ago
Kumamoto, Japan


I had a quick question on how to submit multiple videos for a single speedrun submission.

Sometimes I have seen part one or different embedded windows for speedruns. However whenever I go to submit it says Video Link; How do I submit multiple links.

Sorry if my question is worded messily. I appreciate any help that can be given. Thank you.

European Union

put the rest in the description.

Ivory, Imaproshaman e 2 outros curtiu isso
Kumamoto, Japan

Thank you HowDenKing. 😆 It worked perfectly when I pasted the extra link into the description like you said. 😅

South Africa

Thank you from 3 years ago. I too was curious about this.



kyrawr83, CyanWes, e SioN curtiu isso
Texas, USA

Because three years later, it still seems that the srcom team has not fixed this issue :))

jackzfiml e RaggedDan curtiu isso