How to reverse a false ban?
1 year ago

I don't want to start any drama by listing real names so I'll just refer to them as runner #1 and runner #2.

So runner #1 gets wr in a game, runner #2 thinks he sees an issue with the gameplay and reports him, this results in a site ban for runner #1. The issue being that this was a false accusation (to my knowledge) fueled by runner #2s desire to hold wr on this game, and not backed by any real evidence. (The claim is that the games are not running at the same speed while both of them are playing on different n64 emulators, and personally the footage looks completely identical.)

Seemingly support tickets are being ignored, runner #2 has a much larger fanbase so opinions tend to default be on their side. Runner #1s friends came asking for help and I believe their story but I'm not really sure what to do about it.

I didn't look too deeply into this when it came up a few days ago, but my understanding is that runner 2 claims to have sped up the video of his run by 40% while comparing it to the same section in the unaltered video of runner 1's run, and the sped up vid matched the speed of runner 1's vid, strongly implying the game was sped up by quite a lot in that section. Supporters of runner 1 then compared other sections of the gameplay and found no difference, which doesn't exonerate runner 1 of speeding up the section in question.

Anyway, if you wanted to mount the best possible defense, ideally you would get a runner familiar with the game—who hasn't taken a side in the matter—to do a complete breakdown of the runs to see if there are any parts with discrepancies in the game speed. This may be an impossible mission, given that there aren't many runners for the game and it would be a long task. (It would also mean accepting the possibility the neutral analyst could conclude that runner 1 cheated.)

If that isn't an option, you'd at least want to get someone to do a thorough comparison of the section where the accusation was made.

Editado por o autor 1 year ago
Merl_ e Klooger curtiu isso
New Jersey, USA

Site staff had conducted their own investigation by playing two separate runs from the players side by side and concluded that the user had sped their footage up.

Liv, TooManyThings e 6 outros curtiu isso

Unrelated, but; Star - I really like your pfp.

starsmiley e 1234 curtiu isso
New Jersey, USA

my guy went all in bro

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