2 weeks since game was submitted
6 years ago
United States

I've been waiting very patiently for Mangchi the Hammerboy to be added to the leaderboards. Now I remember a year ago it would only take a couple days to submit a game. And I understand that with the growth of the site it becomes harder to operate. So what about hiring volunteers or recruiting more people to help operate the site? I am by no means trying to put down the current mods/admins. I'm sure they all have lives and are doing the best they can.

Jerome curtiram isso
California, USA

I'll add xDrHellx to that list if it matters.

Gelderland, Netherlands

Please get my name right racemonster Kappa

Aureus_Lunae, Zachoholic e 2 outros curtiu isso
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany


You forgot the "666".