What's your worst Nightmare?
3 years ago


French Southern Territories

MinecraftGaming, Pear e 7 outros curtiu isso
Glamorganshire, Wales

Forgetting to pray to RNGsus before a grind

Ivory, Merl_, e MrMonsh curtiu isso

[quote=RaggedDan]Forgetting to pray to RNGsus before a grind[/quote]

No worries though, he'll make sure to show you the gravity of your sins during your run

RaggedDan curtiram isso
He/Him, She/Her
3 years ago

mrmonsh never existing

Merl_ curtiram isso

Spending weeks trying to PB. Getting the average finished run closer and closer to current PB. Watching golds popping up left and right. Being -10 seconds into the final stage in said runs, only to be +0.5 at the end. Doing this over and over again until finally the PB happen. Finally, after all these weeks of hard work. After all these massive time saves over my old PB. I finally beat my old PB, by 0.3 seconds.

MrMonsh e Merl_ curtiu isso

My other nightmare was I was banned from the site for 2 weeks for posting a rickroll to etdo.

[which did end up happening about 2 weeks ago]

Editado por o autor 3 years ago
United States

Getting a PB/WR unrecorded

Pear, Oreo321, e Merl_ curtiu isso
New Jersey, USA

the dishwasher exploding in the middle of the night

Pear, Lor e 2 outros curtiu isso
French Southern Territories

@Not_important4546 that is a very specific nightmare that raises a lot of questions about your dishwasher

My worst nightmare is accidentally pressing the windows key while on pb pace

Bob-chicken curtiram isso
European Union

My worst nightmare is my custom CSS plugin not working and me having to see the site as ELO indended

it happened yesterday


[quote]Getting a PB/WR unrecorded[/quote] That happened to me twice. One time I got a WR, but for some reason OBS stopped catching the footage of the game in the middle of the run, and was stuck on a single image. The other time, I got a WR in another game I moderate, but OBS didn't record the sound (and by my own rules, sound was required).

Editado por o autor 3 years ago
Gaming_64, Bob-chicken e 2 outros curtiu isso
United States

At this point, the 5* quests in Monster Hunter Tri. This stuff is absolutely ridiculous and is making this by far the most difficult run I've ever attempted at this point.

Alternatively, Maria showing up in a good run in Castlevania Judgement. It's basically a 95% chance you lose your run immediately.

Or even as another alternate nightmare, getting an encoder overload in OBS on a good run.

French Southern Territories

That is being a really good moderator, not changing the rules that you made even over a simple thing like sound. @Oreo321

Editado por o autor 3 years ago
MinecraftGaming, SuperAL1 e 2 outros curtiu isso
United States

@Oreo321 its happened to me a few times - The worst was when I was using OBS for Choppy Orc attempts, and I got a 2:04.3. However, my OBS can only record for about 5 minutes with audio, and stopped on one frame in level 14. It really feels awful watching your run where your recording software/PC just crashes.

Oreo321 curtiram isso