I need help to post on YouTube
2 years ago

Hello everybody,

I'm new to speedrunning, thought I managed to get the record for Sword of Vermilion Any%. I lowered that record to sub 2 hours, and I also set a new record for Glitchless Any% at 2h21, but I can't upload the videos on Youtube. I googled my problem many times, but the videos seem to be rejected by Youtube during the processing phase. When I try to load a smaller video (say, 15 minutes), it works fine, but the longer ones always get rejected.

Is there a more efficient or failproof way to post videos on Youtube ? Is there a workaround for posting records ?

My videos were filmed using OBS in standard .mkv settings (60 fps). I converted the videos to .mp4, but neither the .mkv or the .mp4 versions get accepted by Youtube.

Please, help me out !


United States

I'd normally say it sounds like you need to verify your account, which requires a working phone number. However, you seem to have already been able to upload a 2hr video before, so uh,

I'm not sure what's up.

Youtube does it's own conversions on the video, and basically everything OBS can record in is good with it, so it's not that.

You can check to see if your YT's somehow no longer considered verified?

Alternative solutions are to upload it to like Google Drive and ask the mod verify it from there, or ask them host it on Youtube for you. It's up to them if they accept either of those options, so just ask nicely.

Editado por o autor 2 years ago
Pear e Gusquelconque curtiu isso
Iowa, USA

Is youtube actually saying your video has been rejected, if not then just wait a very long time.

Gaming_64 e YUMmy_Bacon5 curtiu isso

Thanks for the suggestions. I'll ask the moderator of the game to help me with this issue.

What happens is the video gets stuck at 99% processing. A while later, a message appears saying the video has been rejected because it's too long, even though it's shorter than the first one I posted... All the solutions or workarounds I found on Google seem not to change anything.

Best regards,
