Arguments Against the New Rules For Submitting Games/Clarification Needed
5 years ago

Ummm what

This thread is two years old. And using a Misc category from one of the most well-known Mario games of all time isn't really helping your case.

Editado por o autor 3 years ago
Brakshow e Ivory curtiu isso
Victoria, Australia

@jatloe This is a 2 year old thread, next time instead of replying to some old thread that no one will reply to make a new thread.

Ivory e Walgrey curtiu isso
United States

Might as well add that the restriction refers to the length of an average playthrough, not a speedrun. SMB does not take 5 minutes to complete for someone new to it.

Brakshow, MrMonsh e 2 outros curtiu isso

why do you do this :(