Hey all
5 years ago

How's it going folks? I've been an avid speedrun watcher on Twitch for a couple years and I broadcast GTA RP on a prominent server and have around 5k followers.... so what am I doing here?!

I fell in love with speed running a long time ago and my favorite games include Final Fantasy VII and VIII, Resident Evil HD, 0, Code Veronica, RE2, the whole survival horror genre really.

I'm going to give speed running a shot and start broadcasting it once I get a real handle on how to use splits and timers, capture cards, etc.

I've already got a good brand new AMD 2700x build and I hope to get decent and start getting some PBs! What really pushed it over the edge was watching Bawk all the time and then watching hours of someone play RE HD remaster randomizer last night though lol.

Editado por o autor 5 years ago
Casssss curtiram isso
Richmond, VA, USA

I had no idea they had a RE Randomizer, that sounds insane. Welcome aboard and good luck on your runs buddy! You might consider updating your social media links in your profile so we know where to watch at.

Editado por o autor 5 years ago
Jmxtwiztid curtiram isso
Oklahoma, USA

We're happy to help with the setup if you need anything! ^_^

Jmxtwiztid curtiram isso

I've been reading through a bunch of the guides and it's been a great help so far! I've watched enough streams and YT vids to know what I need to do as far as learning routing and things like that but I will always take tips, tricks, constructive criticism and anything else that helps me get better!

Editado por o autor 5 years ago

oh sounds fun ^_^ good luck with everything :D