Any% Tantarian Night Notes, charts and saves (Most optimised and up to date Tantarian route)
Any% Tantarian Night Notes, charts and saves (Most optimised and up to date Tantarian route)
Atualizado 2 years ago por Metako

Update 7th May 2021: Route has been updated. Biggest inclusion is the possibility to have Heat for Taharka. No nobles back ups have also been factored in to the route. All resources have been updated below, including a full set of saves.

Charts, notes and saves:

I recommend watching this run from the FF Speedrun Relay IV: Interlude to see a good marathon showing of the route. This route is on the right (note: with the newest revision this is slightly outdated. Most things have remained the same).:

There isn't much explanation in this run, but I did a fair amount of explaining when I ran it at ESA Summer 2018. The run was hot garbage, but there is a lot to gain from watching it:

  • Metako