Playstation 4 current version (28/11/18)
5 years ago
West Yorkshire, England


Sorry for the question, but i recorded my first speedrun attempt at Celeste yesterday and didn't get the version number in the clip. I put the latest from the drop down and it got rejected for being an invalid ps4 version.

I don't have access to the playstation potentially for a few days, so i cannot play to see the version... would someone please be able to tell me the current version of the game, or how i can find out myself without starting the game?

The time is not competitive at all, i think i'll be 2nd last so hopefully won't be an issue there, but would like to still submit it as a starting point, and i don't want to just put what the other gamers have put as the last one submitted was a month ago and the rules say it must be the most recent version.

Thanks, Kev


Current version on PS4 is

We apply the same verification standards to all runs regardless of if they are competitive or not, however since the run in question is an IL run showing the version number isn't required. The run was initially rejected because we couldn't tell if it was the version or the platform that was wrong in the submission. However now that the platform is known to be PS4 I corrected and verified the submission.

Editado por o autor 5 years ago
West Yorkshire, England

That's great. thank you!

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