2 years ago
Irving, TX, USA

Here is my route.

GOMEZ: Start off by going up one level and to the left. skip the first door and enter the secret door that's between the door you just skipped and the next door. in here are some speed shoes. get those but don't get the extra lives (you will soon have to purposely die so extra live isn't good). then leave the secret room and enter the door on your left. Continue through the level until you reach the door at the end but DO NOT enter it. There is a secret door on top of the normal door. Once through the secret door immediately enter the next door which is a few steps away. then go back through the door you just came in. You are now in a new area. use the jump pad to intentionally take damage from the axe throwing monster to the right. then jump up while holding up on dpad to climb up the manor to the next door. Go through this area till you reach the door at the end. This is the boss fight. its very easy and afterwards go right to next screen where you fall down a chute back to main area.

WEDNESDAY: Go straight down two floors to the door exactly two floors below the one you just appeared at. This is an "outside" looking area. go about halfway down this area and through the hole where a rabbit is spawned on the right. go through this part of the level until you reach the entrance to next screen at the bottom right of the level. In this new screen go all the way right and use a bounce off the bunny enemy to get yourself where you can see a 1up and some hearts. Go through there and travel along the two floating moving platforms, being careful not to fall off. on the top right part of this area is the entrance to the next area. Go left until you reach a building with an entrance. This is the boss. This boss fight is easy, very similar to the first boss. Afterwards purposely kill yourself and use all your lives until you can "Continue" to the Manor.

GRANNY: go straight up two floors and through the door. Then descend the steps to the left and enter next room. Go through this room to the door at the end. This is the next boss. To beat it easily, immediately go all the way to the right of the screen. After you defeat it, go all the way back right to the door you entered from the manor.

FESTER: Once you are in the manor, take the stairs down to your left. The door you want is at the end of the stairs. The secret room you went to earlier is to the right of the door, so go in there first to grab speed shoes and extra lives. Once through the door you are in the next area. This is the longest and most difficult part of the run. along the way there are a few spots to get extra lives and a couple optional hidden rooms with extra lives. these will only slow you down but can be nice if youre struggling. once you reach the very end of the area with all the knights, you enter the giant library. youll need to just make it all the way to the right of the map where the door is. Next is the train area, try not to die here because you'll have to do the whole train segment over again from beginning. Then you are at the witch boss, use her minion to boss off him and land on top of the witch. once you defeat her exit the screen to right and enter the door in the next screen.

MORTICIA: once back in the manor, go down one floor and second door to the right. This takes you straight into the boss. defeat him and once pugsley enters the Hallway, hit time. you're done.

Editado por o autor 2 years ago
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