Any games that are more fun to run in glitchless category?
4 years ago

Or games that could be much more entertaining to run or watch if they didn't have glitches?

Either because exploiting glitches takes much less skill than not using them, is less entertaining to watch, makes things luck-dependent, breaks the flow of the run etc.


Fun is subjective, keep that in mind. What you perceive as not fun in a speedrun, might be fun to someone else.

GFM, Timmiluvs, and Nordanix like this

I personally don’t like to compare runs that use glitches to glitchless runs because often times they can be so drastically different that a comparison doesn’t seem fair. Runs that use glitches are fun and impressive to watch because they show off the limits the game can be pushed to and can often feature precise inputs and tricks that are impressive to watch people pull off with consistency. Glitchless runs on the other hand are impressive for completely different reasons. Those types of runs will usually find their time saves through extremely optimal movement or clever exploits of in-game mechanics (how the community defines “glitchless” makes that last point a sliding scale). In those runs, the impressiveness comes from seeing how much time can be saved or squeezed out of things that otherwise seem minimal (like slight reroutes to save a few seconds of walking).

Given that for extremely broken games there can be such a discrepancy in the categories, which one is more “fun” to watch really depends on what type of run you’re in the mood to watch.

GFM likes this

You could run Bills Hotel, it is very optimized and currently i havent seen any glitches in it, although there isnt alot of runners to look for exploits