Bogdan Act 2 finale IL
4 years ago
Pennsylvania, USA

Due to a "glitch" where you can cut your internet out at the end of act 2 in the last cutscene which will let you do the heist as many times as you want. would it be possible for this to be added to the IL runs. or would that internet-cut-out make the run invalid. as me and a friend have been grinding bogdan act 2 finale by ourselves. managed faster than the current full-act 2 record.

MiloDaKat likes this

Sorry we dont do just ILs for the final heists. If we allow it there would be room to argue for each setup to be its own IL and due to the complications of some setups and heist finals being time consuimg to get at. It wouldnt be worth it. If you wish to compare final heist times, there is a post on the GTA forums about that. They compare the Elite challange times as well


Should have added this, we do allow the disconnect glitch in the final heist as the heist still finishes at the end and someone sees the cutscene. People use this to get around the 48 minute wait timer that they dont want to wait on to do another run